Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. There are many top mid laners in the LPL division. The competition between these top mid laners has always been one of the topics that everyone talks about, because the mid laner is extremely impor

Hello to all LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. There are many top mid laners in the

LPL competition area. The competition between these top mid laners has always been one of the topics that everyone talks about, because the mid laner is extremely important in any version. Some players even believe that League of Legends The real protagonist of the game is the mid laner, so the performance of the mid laner determines the performance of the team to a large extent.

Recently, viewers discovered that the LPL champion mid laner Doinb has lost all the last five games against Knight, and his record is also very miserable. Knight can be called Doinb's biggest nemesis.

Doinb's nemesis, Knight's record crushed

At the end of June, TES played a game with LNG, and TES easily won with a score of 2-0. Knight's record in both games was very terrible, first In the second round, Galio ended the game 25-0. In the second round, he used the fox and directly graduated the 25th level of kills, winning a 10-0 record. He killed 15 in two games without losing a single death.

Doinb played a Card game and a Crow game, with records of 0-3 and 1-3 respectively, which was a poor performance.

In the spring split, the two teams, or two players, played against each other twice. Once in the regular season, both sides played three games. In the end, TES won. Once in the playoffs, they also played three games. TES It directly swept LNG.

met three times this year, and Knight won all of them, with a crushing record, 7-1 in small games. Comparing the records of

, TES lost in the first game of the spring regular season, with Knight's record of 1-2 and Doinb's 6-0. In the second game, Knight's record was 4-1-13, Doinb's record of 1-4-9, and in the third game, Knight It's 2-2-7, Doinb is 3-4-9.

But in the playoffs, because Doinb couldn't get the fox, and Knight's fox was too strong, LNG couldn't handle it. Knight was 7-0 in one game and 9-0 in the other. Basically, it was a flat push. Game, it can be seen that compared to the status of the two mid laners this year, Knight has a complete victory over Doinb.

is at different stages, and his personal performance is also different

But if we push the time forward, although FPX stopped at the top 16 in the World Championship last year, it was still strong in the regular season, and it was easy to sweep the TES game. At that time, Doinb Summer Championship was Various unique heroes play very well, such as mid laner Dao Mei, mid laner Akali, mid laner blind monk , Galio, etc., all are Doinb's signatures.

can basically win as long as it is played. In that version, Knight was not that strong and was eliminated by LNG in the playoffs. TES was also very confused at that time. It could still have an advantage in the early and mid-term, but in the mid-term It's over. It often happens that we are thousands ahead but can't beat the group.

At that time, the audience questioned that there was a problem with TES's team battle positioning and team positioning. No one could start a team, no one was willing to sacrifice themselves, everyone wanted to pull and show off, and the result was a mess in the team battle.

The positions of Doinb and Knight have basically interchanged this year. The two players are actually at different stages of their careers. Doinb, to be honest, is a bit unbeatable, while Knight is in his prime. , and the version is suitable, and the teammates are also strong. This is the year to achieve results.

Personal views on the top mid laner

I personally believe that so far, the mid laner with the best performance in the LPL Summer Split is Knight. He is the top one in terms of both on-field performance and data performance, but his position is It may be surpassed because Knight has not yet defeated Rookie and Xiaohu, which are Knight's two biggest enemies at present.

From the perspective of the audience, I hope that these three people can always be in good condition and enter the World Championship, because the top mid laner is too important in the World Championship and can often determine whether a team can reach the end.

personally believes that players in other positions may not perform well due to poor team configuration, such as top laner or support, but the mid laner position is often the least likely to be buried, even in a not-so-strong team. , he can still show his strength, gain recognition from more people, and have the opportunity to improve his teammate configuration.

Of course, a good mid laner also needs good teammates to give full play to his ability. The three mid laners in the LPL should all have the best teammate configuration at this stage, and the three mid laners have the best teammate configuration at this stage. They haven't played each other yet in the summer split, so you can look forward to it (Rookie may have to wait for the playoffs to beat Xiaohu).