Everyone knows that each version has many achievements that are difficult to complete. Let’s not talk too far, just take the 95~100 version as an example. The most difficult achievement in the 95 version is to turn the team into a boundary weapon. How difficult is it? Many player

Everyone knows that each version has many achievements that are difficult to complete. Let’s not talk too far, just take the 95~100 version as an example. The most difficult achievement in the 95 version is to turn the team to the boundary weapon. How difficult is it? Many players have completed 4 to 5 professions with full attendance and have reached 100 version, but they haven’t found it yet. The most difficult achievement in the 100 version is to discover the aura of invisible law in the battle mode. Many players have experienced several myths and transformations but not yet, which has become a regret for many Nuannuan members.

There are many achievements that are difficult to complete in version 110.

So the question is, what achievements are difficult to complete in version 110? I believe many players will think that it is the daily can that opens a legendary graduation card, drops 2 tradable tickets for high-level dungeons, Silent City turns over 100 carbon-14 materials, and explodes with tradable artifacts, costumes, legends, etc. .

But in fact, these are not the achievements that are difficult to complete in the 110 version. Many achievements have been achieved, and 2 to 3 have been achieved. It can be seen from the number of auction items . So the question is, in version 110, what achievements are really difficult for players to complete? The truly difficult achievements of

110 version

First of all, the first difficult achievement of is to get 3 tickets by swiping a white picture ! There are many players who get one ticket by swiping a white picture, and there are also many players who encounter Gabriel selling 2 tickets, but there are many players who can get tickets in random pictures, plus Gabriel selling 2 tickets. Very few.

There is a player who is very lucky. Not only did he get a Silent City Warrior difficulty ticket after entering the picture, but he also met Gabriel and sold 2 Silent City Adventure + Warrior difficulty tickets. He swiped the picture and got 3 Silent City tickets. The tickets are more than what many players get by swiping a line of fatigue, and no one is lucky enough to do so.

Swipe a picture to drop 2 pieces of graduation equipment

The second difficult achievement is to swipe a picture to drop 2 pieces of graduation equipment that are useful to you! Since Wu Forest has the core 3-piece set of the MP genre, the most players brush this picture, at least half of the players. However, since the belt and shoes are dropped by fixed monsters, the drop rate is not very high. It is quite Regarding the drop myth

, but despite this, there are still players who have completed the feat of dropping these two fixed monsters in one picture. What's more, double yellows are dropped directly in the BOSS picture, one is MP shoes, One is the MP head and shoulders, which is enviable. Wu Forest has a total of 81 pieces of equipment. Double Yellow can produce these two pieces. It is estimated that not many players in the entire server can achieve this.

Silent City turned over 1000 special materials

The third difficult achievement is to turn over 1000 carbon-14 crystal materials ! When playing Silent City, many players have found Carbon 14 materials, usually one. If you are lucky, you can find 25 or 100 materials. But have you ever found 1,000 materials?

There are players who have successfully flipped it. A piece of carbon-14 material thrown into the store can be sold for 20,000 gold coins. 1,000 means it can be sold for 200 million gold coins. Flip the card to get 200 million gold coins. It is more difficult than flipping the Silent City Warrior Ticket and Red Eye. The weapons and equipment are still valuable, which is really a pleasure!

[Personal Summary]

In general, there are many achievements that are difficult to complete in version 110, but compared to these 3, they pale into insignificance! is very difficult to complete. If you complete one, you can be called a super European emperor. If you complete two, you will be regarded as the chosen one. If you complete three, you can be called the "son" of Lao Ma. . I wonder which achievement everyone has completed?