Like most games on the market, the core of the legendary game is the strength of the equipment. Generally, the price of the best equipment can buy a suite. If you can find a piece of the best equipment in a place with very few equipment, it will really be possible. It has been go

is like most games on the market. The core of legendary game is the strength of the equipment. Generally, the price of top-quality equipment can buy a suite. If a top-quality equipment can be found in a place with few equipment, then It has been really going on for a while, and there will be rich people who will collect it with RMB. Do old players still remember the sky-high price equipment they once sold?

I remember that when the college entrance examination just ended, my classmates were playing Legend in the Internet cafe. I don’t know whether he saved the galaxy in his previous life or just got lucky. Zuma directly revealed the teleportation ring, and he happily treated us to a feast. , in that period, special rings were very rare, especially teleportation rings. In the end, a coal boss from Shanxi took a fancy and directly offered 20,000 yuan. However, both parties were still worried about the safety of the transaction process. The boss was also very happy and directly said that he would fly from other places and come to the Internet cafe to trade in person.

There is another ring that also shocks the legendary players. It is the 0-26 attack memory ring. Some people say that GM brushed it wrongly, while others say that it was taken back immediately because of a system convulsion. Anyway, no matter what the result is, you can just have it. Have been blowing for a lifetime.