Hello, friends~ The latest mod for "Red Dead Redemption 2" that everyone loves is out! This mod will make the crime system in the game more realistic and provide a stronger experience!

Hello everyone~ The latest mod for "Red Dead Redemption 2" that everyone loves is out! This mod will make the crime system in the game more realistic and provide a stronger experience! And " Far Cry 5" has officially joined Xbox Game Pass, let's take a look ~

"Red Dead Redemption 2" new legal system MOD

The editor learned that MOD author SerjRozov recently shared some information about "Red Dead Redemption 2" The latest MOD, this new MOD will make a lot of changes to the legal system in the game. The author of

mod said that this MOD makes the crime system in the game more realistic. The new MOD modifies the dispatch time of law enforcement officers in the game, which depends on the player's distance from the town. If the player is in the wilderness, there won't be a large number of law enforcers. This MOD also modifies the bounty level, the number of police officers in the town, crime details, and carjacking details.

In addition, this MOD also "modifies the day and night and weather effects based on personal perception", and also adds and modifies gang combat skills and weapon accuracy.

The editor feels that the legal system adapted by this mod makes it easier for players to immerse themselves in, and the experience is better. Various details are in place, the storyline becomes much more reasonable, and some other plots are enriched. Players can enjoy it Been playing for a while~

"Far Cry 5" has been added to XGP

"Far Cry 5" is an Ubisoft open world shooting game. It has officially joined Xbox Game Pass and supports console, PC and cloud games. What is included in the library this time is the standard version, which does not include the three DLCs "Doomsday Siege", "Dark Hour", and "Lost on Mars". Thanks to the FPS Boost function of the Xbox Series console, players can sacrifice a certain amount of image quality and lift the 30-frame limit of "Far Cry 5".

"Far Cry 5" (Far Cry 5) tells the story of a county police officer (protagonist) who was attacked when he went to deal with a cult organization, so he joined the resistance organization in this place called "Hope County" and led everyone to gradually A story of liberation.

Many players particularly like the scenery of this game. Ubisoft’s art is really great. Players can experience the life of an American rural town here, and enjoy the beautiful scenery in a beautiful scene, feeling physically and mentally happy. I don’t need to go into details about how to play

. It’s a typical “Ubisoft can”. Those who like it will naturally be able to get started smoothly, but those who don’t may find it tasteless. The plot of the fifth generation has also been criticized by many players. Among the three endings, only the hidden ending triggered by hanging up at the beginning is better. The other two normal endings are unsatisfactory.

"Far Cry 5" is a very exciting work. Interested players can try it. The above is all the content. For more game-related information and strategies, please pay attention to the 9891 Game Service Network.