Many people will say that there are many people around them who play games and recharge thousands of dollars, and they have the opportunity to hear that game agents can get high commissions. In this case, they suddenly shine, are full of energy, and seem to be about to achieve th

Many people will say that there are many people around them who play games and recharge thousands of dollars, and they have the opportunity to hear that game agents can get high commissions. In this case, they suddenly shine, are full of energy, and seem to be about to achieve their life goals.

Before consulting, they have already recognized the development prospects and market size of this industry, or think they can make money. It can be said that these people are more business-savvy and entrepreneurial.

Then use Baidu and other channels to check various related issues. How can I become a game agent? Which game agent platform is reliable? How to choose an agent platform? What should I pay attention to when choosing a game platform? After this round, I basically learned how to choose a simple platform and what to pay attention to. For example, for the image quality of a game to be playable, it must have a game version number, not a private server. The faster the settlement time, the better. There is no limit on the settlement amount, a formal contract must be signed, there are game support numbers, operating specifications, risk warnings, complete traffic diversion operation process methods, etc. These are the basic precautions.

Actually, what I'm saying is, these are just the basics. The key is how to attract players and make money. Many people just listen to the platform saying that they will give you a complete set of solutions, methods and various traffic drainage solutions. In fact, they are ultimately ineffective, resulting in many people not earning agency fees and wasting time. Many people think this line is a scam. In fact, he is the victim and he did not choose a good platform. Like any industry, the same projects are doing well, some may be for their own reasons, but more often than not you won’t find the platform.

There are two more important points when choosing a platform:

1. Effective traffic diversion methods are the key to the level of each platform. You need to communicate one by one, such as telemarketing, and games to attract players. These are ineffective and are time-consuming and labor-intensive.

 2. Sustainable operating profit model

 If you want to expand your scale after mastering the traffic drainage operation, you need to copy your own model, which requires the support and guarantee of the platform model. Customer traffic is income, and recruitment agencies are a big income that cannot be ignored. A good platform will guide you on how to recruit agents and become an affiliate

Let’s talk about agency fees. As the saying goes, there is no free lunch in the world. No one will take you to make money. A more expensive platform is not necessarily better, but not spending money is definitely not a good thing.

More expensive does not mean higher level, you can make money, usually 10,000 to 20,000 yuan in agency fees (or deposits), such costs are really too risky for entrepreneurs, there are many factors that cannot be done, No matter what he receives, it will not guarantee that you will really make money back.

2. The kind of 0 yuan franchise that does not charge agency fees is called letting go. It only gives you a guaranteed background with low commissions, no risks, no violation reminders, etc. , basically fend for itself, not only wasting your time, but also making you feel frustrated and self-confident. If you miss a good project, you can check out the various free agency platforms over the years to see which one can really make people money, so that’s the same sentence.