The mobile game agency industry has good prospects and high profits. Looking around, there are many mobile game agency platform companies on the market. They are doing well. How good is it, how reliable it is! For many newcomers, they have many worries and are hesitant to enter t


mobile game agency industry has good prospects and high profits. Looking around, there are many mobile game agency platform companies on the market. They are doing well. How good is it, how reliable it is! For many newcomers, they have many worries and are hesitant to enter the industry because they often hear that mobile game agents are full of leeks. It doesn’t matter. It’s normal to have concerns. Today, the editor summarizes the following five points to see how to find a reliable mobile game agency platform.

 1. If there was a formal large platform and a small workshop platform, which one would you choose? Here, let’s not talk about whether large companies have expensive franchise fees or whether small workshop platforms have low franchise fees. Now, we are mainly discussing the scale of the platform and what kind of help it can bring to us. The second is whether the platform has a business license, various licenses required for game operation, website articles, ICP registration, etc. These are all necessary.

2. As the saying goes, a good horse must be equipped with a good saddle, and you must choose a reliable platform, company size, geographical location, staffing, overall operating model, etc. They are all inseparable. The current boom in the mobile game market has also spawned many listed mobile game agency platform companies, so if necessary, it would be better if you can conduct an investigation now. Secondly, it depends on the working status of the company's employees on the platform. If the working status of other employees is not good, employees are idle, and the company is generally informal or at least loosely managed, be wary when joining.

Third, the second is to look at the quality of the game. The purpose of entrepreneurs in the mobile game agency industry is to make profits in the game. As game players, the first thing we need to provide players is the quality of game products. After all, when we promote our games in the later stages, the first factor we promote is the quality of our games.

Now many players have their own ideas when it comes to playing games. If the quality of the game is not good and you cannot give them a good gaming experience, they will not buy your game and will not be interested in your game. How to consume your game products in the game?

 4. Finally, there is after-sales service. A reliable mobile game agency platform is inseparable from good service. After all, the mobile game agency industry is not a one-time business. If we can get good brand service support, various problems we encounter in the process of operating the game can be well solved. Moreover, a reliable platform also has great game authority. Many of its games are cooperated with major manufacturers, with high points and good benefits.

The above points are about some characteristics of a reliable mobile game agent. After you officially join this industry, you will find that it is not difficult to be a mobile game agent. With a team of 3-5 people and finding a good office space, the next thing is to find the right agency platform and game.