On the third match day of the third week of the 2022 LCK Summer Regular Season, the DK team faced the KT team. When they were at a disadvantage in the early and middle stages of the first game, two players, Nuguri and ShowMaker, stood up and reversed the situation through exquisi

2022 LCK On the third match day of the third week of the summer regular season, the DK team faced the KT team . When they were at a disadvantage in the early and middle stages of the first game, the two players Nuguri and ShowMaker stood up and reversed the situation through exquisite cooperation. Led the team to victory. In the second game, DK opened a breakthrough early on the top lane. Nuguri completed three solo kills and led the team to gain an advantage. After Zeli developed, she successfully took over the game and repeatedly hit the powerful laser to cripple KT's back row. , in the end DK defeated KT with a big advantage 2:0!

The first game

KT: Ornn, Monkey, Tsar, Kalista, Lenata

DK: Nar, Rock Bird , Ice Girl , Ashe , Tam

Rock Bird is aimed at The first wave of gank damage in the middle failed to kill the Tsar in seconds. The Tsar used the wall of the Forbidden Army to push the two DK midfielders and successfully escaped in a thrilling manner. The KT duo has been strongly suppressing DK during the laning phase. They found Tahm Kench who was alone in DK's triangle grass. Kalista directly used Lalina's tower to go up the wall. The two made up the damage and killed under the tower. Tahm Kench gets first blood. Yanque wanted to consume Ornn in the river, but was counterattacked by the opponent's set of skills. Bad news came one after another from DK's bottom lane, and he was forced to let go of the two early dragons. KT even pushed two defense towers in the bottom lane. In the mid-term, they fell into a passive situation and had to face the pressure of KT's draw dragon in about 17 minutes.

When the third dragon spawned, DK was flanked on both sides of the river and wanted to take the initiative, but KT took the initiative to initiate a team fight and focused fire to kill Tamu and Ashe. Before Yanque died, the rock formation cooperated with the rock formation. After a wave of AOE damage, Ice Girl and Gnar came in from the other side and took turns taking on the hatred and supplementing the control and damage. The two completed a 2-on-5 battle and wiped out the KT team! DK accepted the dragon and interrupted KT's dragon soul rhythm. 20 minutes after arriving, KT decided to directly gather the Rush dragon. Everyone in DK found out and rushed to the dragon pit. Ice Girl used the punishment obtained from unsealing the secret book to snatch away the dragon! KT lost Baron and was defeated by DK, which completely demonstrated that Baron ruined his life. DK had completely reversed the situation and firmly held the advantage in his hands.

DK led the baron line to advance strongly, demolishing all KT's outer towers and the highland towers in the bottom lane. Ashe and Rock Bird also developed at this time and had enough damage. After the second baron was refreshed, DK took the initiative to open the dragon. To force the team, when KT approached the river, Ice Girl entered the field from the flank, using her ultimate move and golden body to completely divide KT's formation. DK was able to harvest the battlefield, kill three KT players and then launch an advance from the bottom lane, crushing KT's last resistance. Winning the first game, congratulations to DK for taking a 1:0 lead.

The second game

DK: Pig Girl, Foyego, Ice Girl, Zeli, Yumi

KT: Gnar, Monkey, Airplane, Jinx, Titan

Pig Girl defeated Gnar in a single matchup in about 6 minutes. One blood broke the peace on the field. The monkey was late and wanted to take away Pig Girl's head, but Pig Girl fought and retreated toward the river, broke out of the permanent frozen field, controlled the monkey, and dragged Foyego to rescue him. The pig girl escaped with residual health, and the monkey was also killed by Foyego. When the good news came from Ueno, the bottom lane Titan flashed Yuumi, but Jinx's damage was not enough to cause a kill at this time. Instead, she was beaten to residual health by the DK duo. Zeli jumped impulsively and wanted to stop, but in the end After receiving a Titan Hook under the tower, Yuumi was killed in a counter-attack. Yuumi had no choice but to be killed by Jinx in a double kill. Not long after Gnar returned to the line, he was reduced to residual health. Piggy simply jumped over the tower and killed him again solo. Although the defensive tower finally replaced Piggy, Gnar lost the line of troops under the tower again.

After Foego killed the Titan in the bottom lane, he also beat the monkey to residual health. Jinx was forced to abandon the line of troops and retreat to the vicinity of the second tower. Foego released the vanguard to let his middle and bottom team eat the three-layer tower skin. At the same time, Pig My sister killed Gnar solo for the third time on the top lane.DK played very proactively in the early and mid-term, taking a big lead in both top and jungle. However, due to Pig Girl being too aggressive in the top lane, KT found the opportunity to play 2 for 3, get the finishing bounty and fatten up Jinx, and have enough Capital for a comeback. Xiaolongdan Foyego and Yumi made a clever move around the back and dropped the lone Jinx in seconds. DK played 1 for 3 and regained the initiative. Around the 22nd minute, Foego once again tried to sneak attack Jinx, which attracted the rescue of KT's large forces. Zeli unexpectedly jumped on the plane's face with a set of skills and then used a powerful laser to kill it instantly. DK took advantage of the opportunity to get the Baron Buff!

DK pushed forward around the two points of Foyego and Zeli. They were unstoppable and demolished KT's middle and lower outer towers and pushed up the middle high ground. When DK held the Fire Dragon Soul, KT became even more difficult to resist and had to be forced Letting go of the baron and the second high ground, Zeli could already deal 1230 terrifying damage with the powerful laser at this time. KT's back row was already crippled by Zeli before they even had a head-to-head confrontation. DK followed suit and flattened the base to win the game. , defeated KT with a score of 2:0!