Nowadays, there are many games that can operate an IP for 10 years, but they are basically only a few works owned by big companies. It is very difficult for small companies to survive the second generation.

Hello everyone, this is Zhengjing Game, I am Zhengjing’s younger brother.

Nowadays, there are many games that can operate an IP for 10 years, but they are basically just a few works owned by big companies. It is very difficult for small companies to survive the second generation.

Recently, there is a game that has been in operation for 10 years. The third generation was finally released to public beta, but it crashed on the day it was launched. The deceptive setting even made the innocent "Genshin Impact" get sprayed in the face.

Recently, the side-scrolling action mobile game "Time Hunter 3" developed by Yinhan Games and represented by B station has finally been released for public testing. Although this game does not originate from major companies such as , Tencent, and NetEase, it is still quite capable as a game with a history of 10 years. The number of reservations reached 5 million in 2 months and exceeded 7 million in 4 months! On the day when

was launched, "Time Hunter 3" topped Tencent's " Peace Elite " and " King of Glory " on the AppStore's free list. It ranked fourth on the best-selling game list.

However, a good start does not mean that it is really good...

It is normal for the server to be very popular after the server is launched. Many games are popular after being launched for half a month and then become deserted. However, "Time Hunter 3" is amazing. It went from being very popular to very popular on the same day. Cremation...

It is basically difficult to enter other games on the first day after the server is opened, but in the first 7 hours of the server of "Time Hunter 3", except for the first three servers which are somewhat popular, the other 90 or so servers are all green! This scene is exactly the same as the web game that is downloaded every now and then. It can be said that the game design is very in line with the national conditions.

Why is this game so unpopular? Because it is blatant to force krypton, and the game design is stuck in the thinking of web games 10 years ago.

As a game that emphasizes action, this game is completely automatic. Players only need to click. Although automation is a trend in mobile games, even PVP in this game is automatic! Therefore, if players want to maintain their PK winning rate, the only way is to spend money, and their technical skills are not good at all.

Because it is impossible to play without drawing the best cards, players complained that "Time Hunter 3" is no longer an action game, but a card drawing game. The card pool of this game is very big. Some players tried to create 20 initial numbers, and conducted more than 400 draws in total, but the result was 0 epics. Because character drawing is so intense, even "Genshin Impact", the representative figure in the character drawing industry, has been implicated...

Because the game experience is so bad, some die-hard players are really disappointed after playing it for 12 hours. I just gave up the trap when I couldn't stand it. Some people found out after playing for 2 hours that the game was stuck at level 24, so they chose to quit the game. There are also some experienced players who feel bad after playing the game for 10 minutes, so they delete the game and run away.

I feel that at this time, the players of "Time Hunter 3" are a little bit competitive about who can quit the game quickly, and they are laughing at the situation of being taken advantage of.

On the day the server was launched, many of the big guys who sold their accounts and quit the game. Some of the big guys have already released all the characters. These characters are either extraordinary or epic, and several of them are already number one in the server. .

But even though I invested a lot of money and only played for a little more than a day, I hurriedly posted at 1 o'clock in the morning to sell my account. I guess I was worried that I would not be able to find a successor if I was slow.

In fact, "Time Hunter" was still very good back then. "Time Hunter" was launched in 2012. At that time when the mobile game market was still looked down upon by major players, in 2013 it became the first domestic mobile game with a monthly revenue of over 100 million. It was an income that even Tencent could not match at the time. Moreover, after two years of hard work, the number of daily active users of "Time Hunter" exceeded 2.6 million, and the cumulative revenue exceeded 1 billion, becoming the well-deserved "King of Action Mobile Games" among domestic mobile games at that time.

"Time Hunter" became a work that filled the gap in DNF mobile games at that time, and became a classic among many players. It is a pity that the boy who killed the dragon back then has now become a dragon...

My younger brother Hu Lugong : The times are developing, feel free to mess around The era of players giving money to each game is over. Nowadays, even "copy factories" and "one-stop factories" have begun to increase their investment in game content. Can small factories still win in the narrow gap?

A surprising question: Have you ever played "Time Hunters"?