Before you know it, it’s Thursday again, and Hearthstone has a fixed update time for Brawl mode. This week's brawl is the Battle of Tol Barad, which is also an old brawl. The rule is that when you use a follower card, you will randomly get a spell of the same cost, and the mana c

Unknowingly, it’s Thursday again, and Hearthstone has a fixed update time for Brawl mode. This week's brawl is the Battle of Tol Barad, which is also an old brawl. The rule is that when you use a follower card, you will randomly get a spell of the same cost, and the mana cost of the spell is 0. You need to build your own deck, a wild card pool, and the first win reward is a standard card pack.

Because it is a "bad" brawl that requires you to build your own decks, this issue recommends two brawl decks.

Since followers are sent to deliver spells, everyone’s first reaction must be follower spells. High-quality followers are available in every profession, but the mage profession is the most compatible with spells. In addition to the new race Naga, Qin Vala, Fire Seal Fire Demon, Fire Demon , Three-Eyed Crow, Guardian Harlin, etc. are all mage professional cards. Of course, there are also two spell systems 8/8, Mana Giant and Arcane Giant.


deck code:


one sentence guide

This deck comes from the hearthpwn community. Expanded by Prince Renathor, this deck covers a ton of fun. In addition to most of the configurations mentioned above that are combined with spells, the spells of Baihui can even be used to open the door of time and space. Here you can even open the door, use the Gray Sage Parrot, and the Giant to kick the face like in the Wild Ladder. Beheading is still very fun. Of course, if the opponent is not strong, you don't even need to complete the task. Regular combo is enough to overwhelm the opponent.

In addition to the fun deck, if you just want to get a 40 dust (crossed out), ahem, card pack, there is also a set of ultra-low-priced utilitarian Murloc Shaman, all of which are standard cards, and there is no wild collection. Players can easily own it and start fighting with one click.

Murloc shaman


Murloc is a traditional minion-building deck, which is very consistent with the rules of this brawl. It is still very easy to use. Just throw it up and it's over. If you can't win once, , just play a few more games, the efficiency will still be great of.

(Copy the code, open the collection and create a deck to automatically assemble the deck)

That’s it for today’s brawl deck and strategy. How do you feel about it? Welcome to tell me in the comment area or private message ~ One set per day or a powerful explosive or novel entertainment (cheating) card set, and there are more actual ladder game videos. Don’t forget to pay more attention to [Daily Hearthstone Card Group], we will see you in the next card group tomorrow~