On the fourth day of the fourth week of the 2022 LPL Summer Regular Season, the BLG team, which also had 1 win and 4 losses, faced off against the IG team. IG unexpectedly sent two AD players Wink and Ahn in the bottom lane, and Amumu assisted in the first game. Although it achie

022 LPL On the fourth day of the fourth week of the summer regular season, the BLG team and the IG team, which also had 1 win and 4 losses, faced off against each other. IG unexpectedly sent two AD players Wink and Ahn in the bottom lane, and Amumu assisted in the first game. Although it achieved some results, BLG was still better in the middle and late stages and won the game. In the second game, when the top lane collapsed, IG performed well in several consecutive team battles and successfully equalized the score. However, in the decisive game, their "double-skinned milk" combination was targeted. They suffered a serious collapse in the early stage and finally lost to BLG 1:2.

The first game

BLG: Nar, Foyego, Silas, Aphelios, Lenata

IG: Gwen, Xin Zhao, Ryze, Amumu, Kali Star

Amumu and Kalista found Aphelios who was alone in the triangle grass at level 1. After the bandage hit, Kalista followed the output and took first blood. Aphelios was used up in the early stage. With dual moves, he was at a disadvantage during the laning phase. Foego began to frequently find rhythm around other lanes. IG also took the initiative to launch attacks through Amumu's first move. The two sides fought fiercely in the early stage. When BLG pressed the first tower in the middle, IG started a group attack and split the formation, paying a heavy price with the death of four people. At 20 minutes, IG directly formed a team and started to rush the dragon. BLG failed to grab the dragon and chose to start a team and played 3 for 4. The two sides still maintained a balance of power.

Although IG got the baron, it didn’t get anything more. The odds of winning the team battle between the two sides were still 50-50. At about 26 minutes, Amumu flashed Q minions in the middle and controlled several people with his ultimate move, but IG’s side didn’t get enough damage in time. On the top, BLG launched a counterattack after dealing with Amumu and played 1 for 4. After this wave of team battles, BLG's C position gradually took shape. IG gradually fell into passivity on the front, and BLG pushed down two defensive towers in the middle. The two sides have been gathering in the middle to prepare for a big team battle. BLG found an opportunity to save people first, and Gnar Jumping into the crowd and photographing three people, Aphelios and Foego took advantage of the situation to complete the harvest and defeated IG. BLG ended the game with a wave in the middle and took a 1:0 lead!

The second round

IG: Camille, monkey, Galio, Aphelios, Lenata

BLG: weapon, Foego, Ahri, Kalista, Titan

started soon. The three BLG double-teamed Camille on the road and killed Camille. The weapon received one blood. After Camille's TP came back to the line, she made a mistake in casting the hook during the blood exchange. She was stuck by the weapon and killed Camille again. When she came online again, she was directly killed. The weapons were blocked between the first and second towers. Foyego came to rub salt in the wound and once again helped the weapons to kill Camille. In addition, the two waves of troops entering the tower were all lost, and Camille basically faced off. collapse. Seeing that the gap in the top lane was getting bigger and bigger, Monkey also became active to create opportunities for the team. First, he cooperated with the bottom lane to kill Foyego in the jungle, and then caught Ahri's aggressive mistake in the middle lane and took him away. IG In the mid-term, they gradually organized a counterattack rhythm and began to continuously seize BLG's mistakes and give them severe blows.

BLG did not make good use of its early wing advantage. Instead, they continued to break out into team battles with IG even when they did not have an advantage. As a result, they suffered heavy losses one after another and gave up their fragile lead to the opponent. Camille actively followed the group and got a lot of kills, gradually recovering from the previous lagging behind. IG got stronger and stronger as the battle progressed, and the snowball started rolling. In the 27th minute, after killing BLG’s main combat weapon in the middle, they started to fight the Baron, and BLG faced the baron. Without any resistance, the harassment outside the dragon pit ended in vain, and the big dragon buff fell into the hands of IG. In the next team battle, BLG was even more unable to resist IG's advancement. , the weapon master, , was unable to defeat ten hands. IG pushed to the high ground, defeated BLG and ended the game. The two sides entered the decisive game.

The third game

BLG: Gnar, Foyego, Enchantress, Kalista, Lenata

IG: Pig Girl, Xin Zhao, Ice Girl, Seraphine, Senna

Seraphine vs. During the line phase, I accidentally caught Iron Fist competing with , and was defeated by Kalista with a flash output. Then BLG struck while the iron was hot and continued to target the bottom lane, killing Seraphine several times in a row, and successfully opened up the bottom lane. A breakthrough. IG started against the wind in the early stage, and did not take any advantage in other lanes. In several rounds of resource team battles, they all ended in disastrous defeats. BLG quickly snowballed, and its economic lead soon reached more than 5,000 yuan. IG was at a disadvantage across the board, and its lineup was also weak. Lacking the ability to make a comeback, we can only watch BLG gradually expand its economic advantage.

html In about 120 minutes, BLG already held an economic lead of more than 10,000 yuan, and was at an absolute advantage. Enchantress and Foyego seized every opportunity to target IG's single personnel. When IG was completely unable to get close to the river, BLG Deciding to rush the Baron directly, everyone in IG hurried over but their attention was attracted by Gnar on the flank. BLG took the opportunity to kill the Baron and then pursued, and finally played 1 for 3. Next, BLG accelerated the pace of advancement and continuously demolished the middle and lower high ground. In the 27th minute, BLG launched a team attack in the jungle and easily defeated IG with 0 for 4. Then a wave of bulldozing the base ended the game. Congratulations to BLG for ending the losing streak, 2:1 Defeat IG!