Today, the new work "Dark Notes" developed by HeartBeat Plus, the studio of the Chinese horror and suspense masterpiece "Paper Wedding Dress" series, has opened the Steam store.

Today, the new work "Dark Notes" developed by HeartBeat Plus, the studio of the Chinese horror and suspense masterpiece "Paper Wedding Dress" series, has opened the Steam store. "Dark Notes" is a dark and suspenseful plot puzzle game. It is a new style of puzzle game attempted by Black Book Studio under the Paper Wedding Team. Although the release date has not yet been announced, interested friends can first enter the Steam mall to add to the wish list.

Steam mall page

Game introduction:

You will play the two protagonists, across time and space, and explore the secrets hidden in the Happy Mall together!

When the truth gradually becomes clear, a secret closely related to the two of them emerges...

....What you want to believe is a perfect fairy tale.

Game Features:

- Dual protagonist perspectives, different gaming experience

You will play two protagonists, gradually piece together the dark truth in different time, space and different perspectives.

-Multiple truths, layer by layer reversal

The boundaries between truth and lies are gradually blurred, and it is as difficult to distinguish as a Möbius strip.

- Brain-burning puzzles

's carefully designed puzzles closely match the bizarre plot, which not only promotes the plot, but also brings players a double brainstorming experience.

- A more realistic style.

's gloomy and deserted shopping mall, dim and flickering lights, and quiet and depressing restaurants give you a more realistic sense of immersion.

game pictures: