Solutions to the "Fatal d3d error" error reported by the Dawn system in "Monster Hunter: Rise". Many friends reported that the game could not be opened after the "Monster Hunter: Rise" DLC Dawn was pre-loaded, and error codes similar to Fatal d3d error appeared. This type of The

The solution to the "Fatal d3d error" error reported by the Dawn system in "Monster Hunter: Rise"

Many friends reported that the game "Monster Hunter: Rise" DLC Dawn cannot be opened after pre-loading, and similar error codes appeared Fatal d3d error. The solution to this type of problem is roughly the same. Next, I will teach you

1.. Find the game . The initial suffix is ​​the file of exe. After right-clicking , will run the compatibility troubleshooter . click and try the recommended settings . , and then click to test the program .

2. Delete the system file dinput8.dll: This method is related to conflicts with devices such as controllers. You can delete this file and re-enter the game

There are also friends who cannot enter due to network problems. You need to use an accelerator here. Here is for everyone Sharing a free method, the accelerator is talking about Xunyou teaching you how to get Xunyou’s Monster Hunter membership for free

First, install the next Xunyou, and then find the redemption code button in the lower left corner of their page

Click on it and enter a mystery Code: Come and play Monster Hunter, and you can get Xunyou’s 20-day Monster Hunter Rise exclusive acceleration time.

NS friends can also get it and use hotspots to accelerate the host, or Xunyou also has a host acceleration box, too Very useful