Solution to the slow pre-loading speed of "Monster Hunter: Rise" Dawn "Monster Hunter: Rise" DLC Dawn has been launched. Many friends reported that the download speed of both NS and STEAM is extremely slow, and it often takes a whole day to download. More, because in most cases t

The solution to the slow preload speed of Dawn of Monster Hunter: Rise

The Dawn of Monster Hunter: Rise DLC has been launched. Many friends reported that the download speed of both NS and STEAM is extremely slow, and they even have to download a whole page at every turn. There are even more days, because in most cases the download speed of overseas servers is very slow due to the limitation of physical distance. At this time, the platform must be accelerated to quickly download the game and start playing.

So here I will tell you an easy solution using an accelerator. The key is that it is free. The accelerator here is about Xunyou. Next, I will teach you how to get Xunyou’s Monster Hunter membership for free

First of all, the next Xunyou After installing the game, find the redemption code button

in the lower left corner of their page, click on it and enter a mysterious code: Come and play Monster Hunter, and you can get Xunyou’s 20-day Monster Hunter Rise exclusive acceleration time.

NS friends too You can get it and use hotspots to accelerate the host, or Xunyou also has a host acceleration box, which is also very useful.