After the first week of the Late Night Cup, these PCL teams have not been idle. They still conduct training matches every night. IFTY should be the most diligent team participating in training matches in 2022. They almost never lose a game. The results of IFTY training matches in

After the first week of the

Late Night Cup, the PCL teams have not been idle. They still conduct training matches every night. IFTY should be the most diligent team participating in training matches in 2022. They almost never lose a game. In the past week, IFTY training matches The results are pretty good, and they can stay in the top five in most cases. The atmosphere in the team has also improved a lot. From being silent before to being proactive now, longskr sees hope in this new IFTY.

If IFTY can really return to the top, then "A Plus" really needs to send a red envelope to Cai Cheng. Without him holding such an event for everyone to practice, IFTY would not have such an opportunity. As the saying goes, the momentum of a team can only be achieved by going all out. It is very important, especially for state teams like IFTY, PeRo, and 4AM.

As long as they have a good game, the rest of the game will be easy to talk about. Just like the last night snack cup, longskr had a good two-on-two game with TYLOO at the end. The morale of the entire team was immediately different. On the contrary, the team played A bad player will easily fail, which will affect the atmosphere of the entire team and eventually lead to poor results. The player will become less and less confident while blaming himself. As the process goes on and on, the player will become useless.

But judging from the recent training matches, IFTY has got out of its own predicament. They practiced some things with goals in the training matches. The upper limit of IFTY's entire team is very high, and they know this very well, so they Now that we are maintaining the lower limit continuously, it is impossible for every game in the game to be a circle of destiny. Although the fourth room of IFTY is a relatively central area on the map, some limit circles are inevitable.

What they can do now is to improve their operations, first the route into the circle, then the selection of points, and then the timing of entering the circle. The reason for practicing these is to ensure that they can get as much ranking points as possible when they are in a disadvantageous circle. , because they accounted for too many zero-point games in the past games, so during this period they have to step up their efforts to improve their tactics. The Asian training match is about to start on July 1, and everyone can take a look at what this new IFTY will have. What kind of performance.