Speaking of Chinese style martial arts games, this category has always been loved by many domestic players. After all, who doesn’t have a martial arts dream in their heart? Ni Shuihan, a long-established martial arts game in China, has become quite popular on the occasion of its

Speaking of Chinese style martial arts games, this category has always been loved by many domestic players. After all, who doesn’t have a martial arts dream in their heart? As a well-established domestic martial arts game, Niishuihan has become quite popular on the occasion of its recent fourth anniversary, even recreating the grand occasion of the year. Many big names also actively participated in the 4th anniversary activities.

On the first day of the server opening for the fourth anniversary of Ni Shui Han, many Ni Shui Han gods returned to the game, such as King Yongye, Mao Xiaomao, Hang Ge, Bureau Zuo, etc., and they all chose to join the fourth anniversary Thunder Awakening server. Among the heroes who returned this time, Mao Xiaomao spent 1.2 million yuan on the first day and commissioned Ni Shuihan, the number one anchor, to create the first 7-rare infinite weapon in the fourth anniversary server.

Speaking of Fu Kua, he is definitely Ni Shui Han’s number one anchor in the players’ minds. Especially in terms of building weapons, he is known as Ni Shui Han’s best blacksmith team. This time, Mao Xiaomao commissioned Fu Kua to build millions of magic weapons. In his 5 After hours of crazy consumption, finally at 2 o'clock in the morning, Ni Shuihan's first anchor's flashy live broadcast room was completed. Moreover, the magic weapons created this time actually produced rare entries with a maximum value of 17%, which can be said to be a stroke of luck.

Exaggeration: The birth of this weapon can be said to be expensive. The last step is to create the 7 rare entries "Ping Feng Ling Jue", which has been created 43 times. Each time the cost is 30,000 yuanbao. The rarity is evident. This is also This saves a lot of money for subsequent refining values.

After all, this is the first day of the server opening on the fourth anniversary. All the powerful players want to prepare for their own gangs in the future, so they are doing their best to become the first server power. For example, this million-dollar weapon has become the focus of competition between Shenhao. I believe that more armors and videos will be created in the future to reflect Shenhao's superpowers.