There are many secret dungeons in "Infinite World". Among them, the dungeon that requires both brains and strength is the "Moji Underground Palace", which is nicknamed by players as the "jumping platform". The Mohist Underground Palace is an advanced dungeon in "Infinite World" a

There are many secret dungeons in

" Infinite World ". Among them, the dungeon that burns your brain and competes with your strength is the "Moji Underground Palace", which is nicknamed by players as the "jumping platform". General Qi Jiguang There is a staff member who is proficient in mechanism skills under General Qi Jiguang, who provides a large number of mechanisms and equipment to resist Japanese pirates. However, some powerful mechanisms and equipment also appeared in the Japanese pirate army. After investigation, the staff concluded that these mechanisms came from Momen. Since the spies sent several times have not returned, the staff entrusted everyone to go to Momen Village to investigate the truth of the incident. The Mo family seems to be in civil strife, and the main forces have withdrawn into the Moh family's underground palace. Only by going deep into the underground palace can we uncover the answer to the mystery.

The Mohist Underground Palace is an advanced copy in "Infinite World" and can only be entered by players above level 50. Players can enter by talking to Li Yi in Black Earth Village outside Hangzhou or by clicking on the dungeon in the dungeon list at the top of the window. Due to the high difficulty of the dungeon, it is highly not recommended to seek death alone.

The copy is composed of multiple large and small platforms, of which there are five large platforms, namely the Qinglong, White Tiger, Xuanwu, Suzaku stationed in the four directions and the Giant Platform in the center. The platforms are connected through small mobile platforms that travel between the two large platforms. Most of the mobile platforms do not need to be activated, but some mobile platforms will only be activated after defeating the boss.

Players advance through the platforms 1-8 marked on the map in order and seize the opportunity to jump. There are varying numbers of monsters distributed on each platform. Unlike other dungeons, these monsters swarm up. There will also be fire-breathing mechanisms and high-damage traps around the platform, and players must be careful to avoid them. If you fall while moving between platforms, you will be teleported to the nearest starting platform.

During the dungeon process, there is also a mysterious treasure chest platform. After the player kills the guards around the treasure chest, he or she will gain good rewards by opening the treasure chest. After killing the ultimate BOSS, the Mohist Giant, the level can be cleared.

For more exciting information, please pay attention to: "Infinite World" official website_Infinite Dreams, Infinite Possibilities_Hip-Hop Tribe