It's been two or three days since the Penguin press conference ended, and I didn't catch it in time for various reasons. Penguin, I don’t expect it to bring any surprises to the players, but I didn’t seem to realize it until I saw it near the end. I was watching a game conference

It’s been two or three days since the Penguin press conference ended, but I didn’t catch it in time for various reasons. Penguin, I don’t expect it to bring any surprises to the players, but I didn’t seem to realize it until I saw it near the end. I was watching a game conference.

comes straight to the point. Since it is a game conference, let’s not talk about other things for the time being. Let’s talk about some of the more important parts of the game.

" King of Glory " collaborates with multiple parties to create positive value

First of all, as the largest IP under Tencent , it will naturally not be absent from the press conference. Unfortunately, there was no publicity about the actual content of the game at the meeting, which mainly emphasized that the game will create more positive value for society. "Honor of Kings" will achieve linkage in many fields such as culture, technology, charity, and e-sports in the future, as well as various aspects such as Dunhuang culture, rural revitalization, China Aerospace , etc. In the future, it will use theme skins, e-sports themed events, etc. form presentation.

It is a good thing to promote positive values ​​​​in games. The IP of "Honor of Kings" was originally based on Chinese history and culture, especially allowing younger players to recognize various historical figures. Unfortunately, the images of these figures in their memories have long been Already distorted by game content. If you really want to promote culture and promote positive values, why not resolve this long-standing criticism earlier?

"CrossFire" challenge mode and the new map workshop

are quite satisfactory. The classic old IP is enduring and does not provide much content. It is mainly the launch of the new challenge mode and the map workshop of the end game mobile game. Challenge mode includes self-aiming system, energy-draining acceleration, smart machine gun, and BOSS summon battle. However, the actual demonstration is not given above. For more information, we have to pay attention to the anniversary event in August.

The biggest highlight of the "League of Legends" series

is probably the public welfare skin trailer of Rock Bird . Another controversial one is the mobile game "League of Legends Esports Manager". The game plans to start a non-deletion test in July. This mobile game has been criticized by all kinds before it was officially launched. Even major professional players said that they "don't pay to play xxx", which can be said to maintain Penguin's always excellent style. Not many people should be looking forward to the next public beta.

New open world game "Codename: To Jin Yong"

new open world game trailer, built with Unreal 5 engine, only a short section of the actual game was released, from which it cannot be seen whether the type of the game is a stand-alone or online game. The actual demonstration was not long. Half of the time was actually CG animation. Although it was Unreal 5, it did not give people the amazing feeling it should have. Instead, it felt like it was shoddy and made to cater to the public. In order not to repeat the CG animation before, It's embarrassing that the real machine was exposed. This time the real machine has a higher degree of credibility. The reason is that the frame continued to drop during the demonstration. The second half of this promotion basically talks about Unreal 5 and photo scanning technology in the game. It uses a large space to describe the superb technology and how the team shoots scenes on the spot. Putting aside the content and quality of the game itself, we start talking about technology. It can be seen that at present The actual content is still relatively scarce, and there is a high probability that the game is only in the "new folder" stage. The game is named after Jin Yong, and it is inevitably a work of consumer sentiment. Maybe there is no need to have high expectations. Even the best result is probably to compete with " Eternal Calamity " (then why don't I just play Eternal Calamity).

Domestic agent for "The Division 2"

Ubisoft classic old IP, finally launched on the national server. Whenever a good masterpiece is represented by a domestic manufacturer, it is not difficult to think of the previous " Need for Speed ​​", " Fortnite ", "Call of Duty", etc. Many classic big names have been taken over by Penguin in China. The ending after that is basically unresolved, and there is no telling, another big IP will fall at the hands of Penguin.

Other new games

The promotion and demo launch of the two mobile games "Dark Zone Breakout" and "Our Planet" always have a feeling of familiarity.Escape from Tarkov? No Man's Sky? Penguins are still penguins. Nowadays, everyone has become accustomed to seeing this phenomenon. It is difficult to evaluate the actual game content. After all, there is not much information at the moment. In addition to "Fingertip Lord" and "Kitten Love Elimination", it was difficult to tell whether you were watching a press conference or watching a video. An advertisement for an inferior mobile game suddenly popped up during the video. It is difficult to imagine that this is from a major manufacturer. game conference.

The remaining games can only be considered mediocre. After all, it is difficult to keep watching. I want to evaluate this press conference with an objective attitude. There are good things that should be praised, but there are really only a handful of highlights. In the end, I still cursed after watching it. At the beginning of the press conference,

was committed to using game technology for cultural relic restoration, AI machine learning, digital Dunhuang technology joint laboratory, digital central axis and a series of high-tech promotions, indicating that Goose Factory is committed to game technology Linked with many fields of society, the use of technology in the game no matter how important it is in promoting various industries in society, players have no idea what these technologies have brought to them. The best example of the perfect integration of

games with history and culture is undoubtedly Ubisoft. During the repair process of Notre Dame de Paris, the modeling in "Assassin's Creed: Unity" actually provided a particularly important reference for the repair work.

Comparison between the game and the real-life Notre Dame de Paris

On the other hand, Goose Factory, today’s highly publicized historical culture and top technology in the industry, does not allow players to see the actual results or works of the integration of the two. Is there really any intention behind this? Finally,

also mentioned some public welfare content and content that helps young people grow up, safety education and other content. As long as it is not a pastiche, it is still remarkable, although it has nothing to do with the word game.

As an ordinary player, what I want to see most is information about the game, even if it does not meet expectations. Just like the previous game conference in the pig farm, although the quality of the game is not high, at least it is not mixed. There are too many irrelevant games and suspected whitewashing content.

got it. This press conference doesn’t look like it’s for players at all, so it’s unclear who it’s for.