Hello, welcome back to the Genshin Impact world of Holdon2099. The activity card pool is the biggest tool for making money in "Genshin Impact", but the introduction of the character card pool should be rhythmic, and the popular and unpopular ones should be separated. Only in this

Hello, welcome back to the Genshin Impact world of Holdon2099. The activity card pool is the biggest tool for making money in " Genshin Impact ". However, the introduction of the character card pool should be rhythmic, and the popular and unpopular ones should be separated. Only in this way can players achieve sustainable development. If powerful characters are launched continuously, wouldn't ordinary players have to live in being drained or suffering internally?

Maplehara Manyo

According to the known news, Manyo will enter the card pool in version 2.8. This is a must-play character. Not only is the strength online, but the appearance and plot are also very good. He can be the king of the Abyss Spiral for a long time. You must acquire at least one life, so you need to prepare at least two small guarantees, right? As we all know, the quality of Man'yo's 1st life changes, and the 6th life changes again. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th life zodiac signs in the middle are all auxiliary improvements. 2 lives can add elemental proficiency to teammates, 4 lives can increase charging efficiency, 6 lives can directly increase damage, and 6 lives Manyo can be considered as the main C. I believe that many friends have already been fascinated by Manyo. This time it is finally re-released, so I must not let it go!

Xumi’s new character

This does not refer to all the characters that appeared in the 3.0 version, but specifically refers to the characters that entered the card pool in the early stage after the opening of Xumi. Based on past experience, this includes leaders, gods, and five-stars with new mechanisms. The characters are all very strong. For example, if you miss the leader, you may experience a long wait like Manyo. The theory that MiHoYo will not make the gods fall off the altar is established. Although Wanyu and Zhongli both had low periods, they were short-lived. Even if they were targeted, there would not be too serious consequences in hindsight. Strength Always online. Finally, there are characters with special mechanisms, such as the recently revealed "Tracking Arrow"! You read that right, it’s an archer who can automatically seek out enemies. It’s said to be the new character “Tinari” or “Tenari” that will be added to the card pool in 3.0. Will you let him go? How many rough stones should be prepared for these Xumi characters?

Zhongli and Gan Yu’s remake

According to the latest news, Zhongli and Gan Yu will be reforged in 3.0, which is really going to kill a lot of people. Zhongli is aimed at new players, because Zhongli's life zodiac will not be much enhanced for the auxiliary position. 0 life is enough to cripple you, and a high life zodiac can be left to the Kryptonian guy. Who doesn't want a Zhongli? The intensity of Gan Yu does not require too much explanation, and the XP party will not let this fairy beast wife escape. The 2-life E skill has two levels of charging, which makes it feel better to use. 4 lives will directly increase the damage of the ultimate move, while at 6 lives, the Ice Mist Arrow after the E skill does not need to be charged, which will give Gan Yu a terrifying output ability.


needs to plan how to allocate the rough stones in his hands. For old players, unless you missed Manyo before, you can just pay attention to Xumi's new character. But for new players, the above are difficult to choose. If you don’t have many rough stones in your hand, and you are not a kryptonian, it is recommended that gods like Zhongli and Cao Shen are more worthy of investment. Zhongli and Cao Shen are both auxiliary. Yes, as the saying goes, a smooth main C is an iron-clad support. As long as the support is pulled up, it can be used casually with the divine main C.

Most players’ hearts may have already flown to Xumi, and there have been a lot of revelations about Xumi’s character skills recently. Uncles are continuing to work hard, and those who are interested can continue to pay attention.

If you are a new player, how would you choose the next card pool?

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