The latest deletion time of "Escape from Tarkov" 2022 is here! Players will be able to start the game five hours later, that is, around 8 pm. I believe players can't wait to play the new file!

" Escape from Tarkov " 2022 latest deletion time is here! ! According to an announcement from battlestate games, the game’s deletion time is set at 3 pm on June 29. Players will be able to start the game five hours later, around 8pm, and I believe players can’t wait to play the new game! However, some players will encounter the problem of slow update download every time a new file is updated. How to solve it? Check out the easy solution below!

What should players do if they encounter slow downloading of updates or problems with downloading?

players can turn on an accelerator before updating. Turning on the accelerator can allow players to stably connect to the game's update server. I recommend everyone to use the UU accelerator. One-click connection is convenient and fast. Players only need to turn on the UU accelerator before downloading. Search for Escape from Tarkov, select "Accelerate Now" under "Escape from Tarkov", then open the game to update and you will find that the download speed of the game has returned to normal~

The above is the 2022 deletion of "Escape from Tarkov" Tutorial on how to solve slow updates after time and file deletion~