Hi, hello, fellow players, welcome to [Sanshengxiang Life Circle], what is the explosion rate of Fengyun Artifact King's Road to the World's Forbidden Lands, and follow the editor to take a look at the guide to the King's Road to World's Forbidden Lands, Hope it can be helpful to

Hi, hello, fellow players, welcome to [Sanshengxiang Life Circle], what is the explosion rate of Fengyun Artifact King's Road to the World's Forbidden Lands, and follow the editor to take a look at the guide to the King's Road to the World's Forbidden Lands , hope it can bring help to everyone!

The first floor of the Forbidden Land of the World will be opened from 10:00 to 21:00 every day after the 7th day. The second floor of the Forbidden Land of the World will be opened after the 7th day. The third floor of the Forbidden Land of the World will be opened after the 10th day.

The BOSS explosion in the Forbidden Land of the World will be opened. The rate is higher than that of ordinary maps, but there are also more people. After all, it is a cross-server map. The first floor is free to enter. Tickets are required for the second and third floors. Tickets can only be obtained through daily accumulation. Drops in the map can be transferred at high rates. The explosion rate of equipment, sun and moon essence, and five-star spirit stones is doubled. After opening cross-server, the primary goal every day is basically to clear out all cross-server BOSS.

Okay, the above is the strategy for the Forbidden Lands in Fengyun Artifact: The Road of the King. If you have any questions about the game of The King, please feel free to leave a message! If you want to know more game information, recharge discounts and welfare gift packages, you can add the customer service lady! One-on-one detailed teaching! See you next time~

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