Hello everyone, this is "A Good Game" that is updated every Monday. I am the little brother! The day has come again for us to look at pictures and choose games. Without further ado, here are the pictures! "Mirror2: Project X": Zombie Girl's praise!

Hello everyone, this is "A Good Game of Pictures" updated every Monday, I am the little brother! The day has come again for us to look at pictures and choose games. Without further ado, here are the pictures!

"Mirror2: Project X": Zombie Girl's praise!

Game platform: PC

Recently, the third chapter "Colorful Clouds" of Sakura Game's beautiful girl match-3 game "Mirror2: Project X" was officially launched. The new character zombie girl "Caiyun" in the game is officially launched, and the paid clothing DLC ​​in the "Caiyun" home mode is also online simultaneously.

The game adds a new character, the zombie girl "Caiyun". A hand controller is added in the home mode. You can adjust the entire hand and the extension and contraction of each finger in the posture mode. It also benefits the public by adding an asset sharing function in the creative workshop. Players can continue creating using MODs shared by other players!

player comments:

- quickly fix the bug where you can see the clothes

- can you please add a Chinese CV, with the background of an ancient zombie girl, it is really uncomfortable to wear Chinese costumes but speak Japanese

- new character so cute! ! The clothing dlc has been released directly. Looking forward to it!

"Final Fantasy 7: Remake Intergrade": Tifa yyds

Game platform: PC/PS5/PS4

"Final Fantasy 7: Remake" is a complete remake by Square Enix based on the classic "Final Fantasy 7". As the most thorough remake, the visual impact of "Final Fantasy 7: Remake" is quite intuitive. Many things that were briefly mentioned in the original work have been added in detail in the remake, which makes the new story logic more rigorous and compact.

According to statistics from foreign analysts, after "Final Fantasy 7: Remake Intergrade" was launched on the Steam store, on June 19, the peak number of simultaneous online players reached 13,803, becoming the second highest number of players in the series after "Final Fantasy 15" stand-alone work. I think this must be all Tifa’s fault!

player comments:

- In 1997, when I was 12 years old, I watched my boss play PS's Final Fantasy 7 in the computer room. In 2022, when I was 37 years old, I played Steam's Final Fantasy 7 reset on my computer.

——This game does not have the label of dating simulation. I don’t really agree with it.

——If nothing else, just buy it for Tifa and Aerith. This Final Fantasy 7 must be included.

——For those who have never played the Final Fantasy series game, but I bought the Final Fantasy 7 Remake because of the 3D area.

Tifa Italian time memes ↑↑↑

"Chivalry 2": Just two words "top"

Game platform: PC

The sequel to Knight Medieval is out! "Chivalry 2", a high-definition version of Unreal Engine's multiplayer online medieval hack-and-slash game of horseback riding and slashing, has finally released its sequel after a generation of polishing. In the sequel, players can still experience the pure medieval slashing gameplay and medieval siege gameplay. The sense of knife-piercing blows and the fierce battlefield with flesh and blood are more realistic. The charging battle cry of ahhhh is everywhere all the time. Stimulate the player's senses.

Multiple professions and multiple weapon options allow players to have no too many restrictions here. There are not too many complicated systems, just pure hacking and fighting, honing each player's fighter skills and team awareness. The reason why I know how to play him is because when I play with my good friends, the charging "Ah~~~" shout is too magical. Everyone who has tried it will know that it is very addictive.Ten days after the game was launched on Steam, it was officially announced that the Steam version had sold 300,000 copies, which fully illustrates how great the game is!

Player comments:

- So fun! ! ! ! Being tortured until tears flowed down his face and at the same time beating the shit out of others, it was so exciting!

——My evaluation is: Battlefield 1453

——Facing the enemy’s attack: if you fight more, you are not a hero; if you participate in our attack: you can join in the siege.

"Raft": Robinson Crusoe feeling!

Game platform: PC

Shortly after its launch in 2018, the cooperative survival adventure game "Raft" quickly became popular and gained a large number of fans. This surprised Redbeet Interactive, a developer with only three people at the time, because the game was only a work produced by their university course. But now, they have turned this unexpected success into an official game work. The game currently has a 95% positive rating on Steam.

"Raft" is currently launching its largest update in four years, and announced that the game will exit early access. Three new exploration locations have been added, four new character models can be unlocked, and new characters can be played. Characters old and new are getting new costumes. Beyond that, there are plenty of new parts, tools, and items to tinker with.

player comments:

- It is not the sea that drowns me, but the endless loneliness~~

- This is a very playable game, especially recommended to play with good friends or couples! ! !

——In fact, playing the game alone will reduce the fun a lot. It’s better to have friends together. It’s a pity. I wonder if there are people like me who spent their youthful years in a trance in a crowd of single-player games, sometimes lonely and sometimes addicted.