Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game: Want to win a winning streak in the arena? Choosing the right help is the basis of victory

In the " Fantasy Westward Journey " mobile game, the factors that affect the outcome of the arena, in addition to the tactical operation in the battle, the most important thing is the training and selection of help! Let’s take a look at the features and key mechanisms of the mainstream help today, know yourself and your opponents, and you won’t be afraid of a hundred battles!

assist in physical] [

1, Monkey

characteristics: high The single explosive ability. Who can not love Four Sweeping Objects? Moreover, Monkey King's strength is not limited to point kills, and the damage caused by the low blood volume is also very shocking.

At the same time, Monkey King's survivability is also good. It retains 1 blood at the end of death, and the probability of a strike by Pianhong counters physical attacks. The lower the blood and the stronger the blood-sucking ability, both can provide good battery life.

Excellent harvesting ability. When the "Big Sage Velvet" is activated, it can often summon a group of monkey grandchildren. The damage of the little monkeys is not low, and the little monkeys can continue to summon.

Mechanism: The most painful part of the player choosing Monkey King is to sweep the wrong unit.Therefore, it is quite necessary to clarify the law of heaven and earth (sweeping) mechanism.

In most cases (not 100%), the priority of the sweep target is as follows: sealed unit>high blood volume unit>low blood volume unit>others.

Summary: Although Monkey King is worth training to help fight, but you should also pay attention to the selection of the arena. Once the wrong unit is scanned, it is easy to affect the battle, but there are often surprises. The point kill will pose a huge threat to the enemy unit. .

2, Pig

characteristics: superior viability. The blood volume is extremely high, and it comes with its own recovery, proficient in "accumulation" (later shot control), has a great advantage in the face of physical output. At the same time, the counterattack that relies on the skills of "reverse hit and rake" and "accumulate power" is somewhat output.

extremely restrains the scorpion's life-saving tactics. The extremely high blood volume and frequent shields basically attracted the opponent's poison 100%. The opponent couldn't spread the poison, and the Scorpion Essence naturally couldn't kill it.

Super practical "call of the canopy". Tianhe Marines have their own "Clean Heart", which detoxifies and unblocks them.In addition, Tianhe Marines are high-speed units, and they are slower than high-speed square-inch players, so Tianhe Marines can perfectly speed and clear their hearts. Pig demon can attract damage and protect other units.

Mechanism: The use of "accumulation" (later-spinning) in battle is more frequent and often triggers the "call of the canopy". Although it cannot achieve "violent output", it has very strong auxiliary capabilities.

Summary: It is worth training! In the arena, it can play a huge "counter-control" effect when facing closed players and fighting for life.

assist in [law]

1, West Dragon

characteristic: characterized by The abilities of Falien, Healing, and continuous blue play are a dragon palace with stable output to assist in the battle.

Mechanism: When there are many target units, it will carry out tornado rain strikes for a group of seconds; when there are few target units (1, 2), dragon will be carried out.Conscience helps fight, "IQ" is extremely high.

The West Sea Dragon King can also increase the spell damage of all legal professional partners in the battle. Joining the little white dragon will increase the effect of both parties. It is recommended to play with the little white dragon.

Summary: Absolute "Faculty worthy brother" helps in the battle, with stable damage and few accidents.

2, Xiaobailong

"Sub-spiritual support" is the core skill of Xiaobailong.

turtle speed. The speed of the little white dragon is extremely low. In all the assists, only the Hui'an Walker is slower than him, which is very suitable for guarding the corpse.

Mechanism: The main mechanism of the little white dragon lies in its subconsciousness. The key word is "shot". Whether it is using skills or leveling A, it can trigger sublimation and will give priority to the player, but if the little white dragon is rooted, it cannot be triggered.

After the small white dragon heaven and earth veins are fully cultivated,If your teammates use dragon palace spells, the little white dragon can also trigger subliminal support, and it will give priority to the sealed unit.

Summary: It is worth training and playing, and it can be said to be "when facing a sealed unit in the arena".

3, the North Sea Dragon King

Fa Explosion, Fa Lian, Fa Bo, Good and Evil, Destruction, he has all the characteristics of the Fa system you can think of.

comes with unblocking. "Dragon Will" purifies its abnormal state every three rounds.

time bomb. Extremely low probability of destruction in the shape of a dragon, regardless of the enemy and us, as well as the opponent and teammates.

Mechanism: The transformation mechanism is completely random and there is basically no regularity. Comes with unblocking ability, but only by itself.

Summary: The output ability of the North Sea Dragon King is quite good.And after the advancement of the battle, the overall attributes are stronger. Except for the extremely low probability of dragon-shaped destruction, it is still worth training and playing.

The above is just an introduction to some of the mainstream physics and legal systems, and there are only the strongest players that are worthy of assistance. Come on, everybody!
