Is the new skin of "eating chicken" really aesthetic for elementary school students? Players have their own words


I believe that many players know that Peace Elite has launched a new set of game skins recently, called "Crazy Face Cut". The design style of this game skin is based on the island country's "ninja" style. Its online method is in the form of a rare big turntable!

In this new game skin, there are 3 character skin suits on the line, of course, there are common firearms, backpack helmets and other skins! There is also a special skin this time, which is an upgradeable firearm skin, and the winning firearm this time is the SKS sniper rifle! Although the appearance of this series of skin suits is very good in and , many players have not rated this game skin very well.It means that this series of skins are completely children's aesthetic , which is not very suitable for young people!

Topic: Is the new skin of "Eat Chicken" and "Crazy Face Cut" really the aesthetics of primary school students ? Players have their say!

To tell the truth said that the appearance of this "Crazy Face Cut" skin is quite good, especially the three character skin suits, the appearance is also very cool. The mask in this set looks fierce, but it still feels pretty good after watching too much! Among the three sets of character skin suits, the best-looking one is not the main suit, but a sub-suit. This sub-suit is called the "Shadow Double Thorn" suit, which is the same as the "Ghost Face Slash" suit. There is a mask, the overall shape is still very good, and both men's and women's models are very good-looking! It is not unreasonable for

to be called the aesthetics of primary school students by players, because although modern primary school students do not have much contact with games, they are more open-minded, and their understanding of new things is not so comprehensive. And for primary school students, prefers 's cool and handsome game image, this is just a difference in the ideological level! But to say that this skin is an aesthetic player for elementary school students is relatively one-sided. Players may not like this skin very much, and the price of obtaining this game skin is still relatively expensive.

Of course, some players like this skin. For example, in the comment area of ​​my previous article, there was a young lady who liked this new game skin very much.Of course, players will love this character skin set, just because of the look of the skin and not the price of the skin! Of course, for players, has its own advantages and , some like it, some don't. For the author,

still prefers this character skin suit, although for the author's economic ability, this character skin suit cannot be obtained! But liking it means liking it or not, it's up to the players to decide.

Therefore, players still need to be more rational in their consumption in the game. They should not choose impulsiveness because of temporary liking, but also consider their own economic ability. After all, the game world is very virtual , and krypton gold in the game should also be appropriate. ! Of course, for those players who like it and have the financial ability, appropriate consumption is also possible, but don't consume impulsive !

Well, today's content is here! Do you have any other opinions on this "Ghost Face Slash" suit? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!