In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted

2024/06/1902:35:32 game 1988

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews022 LPL In the sixth week of the summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made a lot of adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can appeared, the second team AD Player Rise also replaced Doggo and entered the first team's starting lineup. At the same time, the mid-level team replaced Icon. Such a large-scale personnel adjustment made many fans worried. After losing the second game, BLG learned from the experience and continued to adjust the selection, replacing Icon with Fofo, and finally regained the situation in the second and third games, allowing one to chase two and win.

The first game

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

LGD: Sword Princess , Gou Xiong, Ahri , Lucian, Nami

BLG: Weapon, Monkey, Silas, Aphelios , Thresh

BLG Nakano Suke was caught in the river. Ahri was alone, but Ahri managed to get rid of the pursuit through three big moves and join up with his teammates. Silas pursued too deeply and was charmed, and was eventually killed by the bear and gave out first blood. In 8 minutes, LGD forced four packs of two in the bottom lane. Monkey and Silas quickly came to support, and finally killed Lucian and Nami. The two sides fought fiercely back and forth in the mid-term, exchanging a large number of lives. Among them, Weapon faced the double-team of Jian Ji and Luna on the top lane, and counterattacked the two of them with a deadly rhythm to establish a great advantage. However, Jian Ji quickly followed her teammates and got three kills in the team battle. LGD In the mid-term, there is only about 3,000 economic lead, and the battle continues around Xiaolong Resources and BLG.

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

The two sides were in a stalemate until 31 minutes. The economic gap was still only about 2,000, and the number of heads and dragons were very close. After BLG crippled the bear in a group, they wanted to force the dragon to force the group. Seeing that LGD was close to the river, they wanted to go back and fight again. Thresh continued. Hooked Sword Lady, but her teammates did not keep up with the damage. On the contrary, Jax received the charm and was killed instantly by concentrated fire. Sword Lady and Gou Xiong entered the field and disrupted the back row. The middle and lower three of LGD dealt with Silas together, and BLG A sudden rout led to the LGD team being wiped out. At this time, it took a very long time for them to resurrect. LGD took the opportunity to lead troops from the middle to demolish the team. They successfully demolished the base before the BLG players were resurrected and won the first game! Congratulations to LGD for taking the lead.

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

The second game

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

BLG: Sword Girl, Bright Moon , Tsar, Kalista , Luo

LGD: Nar, Foego, Enchantress, Aphelios, Tam

Sword Girl pair In the early stage of the line, Gnar was firmly suppressed. Foego came to gank, but Gnar sold too much. The knife girl killed him alone and then calmly got rid of Foego's entanglement. The two sides still had a mutual victory in the early stage. LGD focused its attack on the bottom lane, but the price was that Gnar could not withstand the impact of the broken sword girl. The laning was very difficult, and BLG gradually took the economic lead. At about 17 minutes, LGD faced BLG who invaded the jungle and took the initiative to kill Kalista instantly. After winning the team battle, they got the dragon. However, they did not retreat and wanted to try to save people. Luo and Jiaoyue hit perfect combos and exploded instantly. Three people were killed, and the balance of the competition suddenly shifted to BLG's side, and the economic gap between the two sides was widened to about 5,000 yuan.

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

LGD was completely at a disadvantage in the head-to-head battle. BLG began to use their personal abilities to find opportunities to further expand their advantage. They used a lane in the middle to bypass the TP interception and kill Aphelios, and took advantage of the opportunity to get the Baron Buff and expand their economic advantage. to more than 10,000 yuan. Facing BLG's Baron offensive, LGD worked hard to organize its defense and took advantage of the moment when BLG players were slack to kill three people and fatten up Aphelios. However, after BLG regrouped and stabilized its position, the single-core LGD still found it difficult to withstand BLG's ferocity. He rushed into the formation and lost the game, and the two sides entered the decisive game with a 1:1 tie.

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

The third round

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

LGD: Pig Girl, Monkey, Silas, Jinx, Lulu

BLG: Gnar, Foego, Tsar, Aphelios, Tam

Monkey quickly caught the first blood of Gnar. , Foego invaded the wild area and wanted to counter the blue buff, but Silas arrived in time and helped the monkey take Foego's head. Next, it was the monkey's turn to invade Foyego's jungle area, but the middle and lower players on their own side lacked lane rights. BLG's middle and lower players double-teamed and killed the monkey. BLG slowly organized the rhythm in the early stage and gradually gained the lead. Around 22 minutes, LGD decided to take the initiative in the middle lane in the face of BLG's push. Silas went around and used Gnar's ultimate move to start the team, which was not effective and died. Jinx was also killed by BLG's focused fire. BLG followed suit and killed the baron and got the baron. Buff.

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

BLG, who was perfectly developed and had the Baron Buff in hand, led the troops to destroy LGD and pushed down the high ground on both sides of LGD before retreating calmly. Facing the LGD people who were chasing them out, Gnar came in from the flank and took pictures of several people. The two sides fought fiercely to score 2. Change 3. After resting well, BLG launched the final offensive from the top lane, defeating LGD's last defense in front of the second tower and ending the game. Congratulations to BLG for letting one chase two and winning the game 2:1!

In the sixth week of the 2022 LPL summer regular season, the LGD team faced the BLG team. The BLG team, which was in a sluggish state and had poor results, made major adjustments to the starting lineup in order to change the status quo. After the second team's jungler Can debuted - DayDayNews

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