As the name suggests, the player in "Dark Space: Shipbreaker" plays the role of a dismantler who dismantles various ships and spacecraft in outer space. The core gameplay of this game revolves around the process of disassembly.

2024/05/2712:19:33 game 1500

Author: NGA-cjx1723926490

As the name suggests, the player in

Game content

I am just a garbage man in space.

As the name suggests, the player in "Dark Space: Shipbreaker" (subsequently referred to as "Shipbreaker") plays the role of a dismantler who dismantles various ships and spacecraft in outer space. The core gameplay of this game revolves around the process of disassembly.

As the name suggests, the player in

In order to recycle abandoned spaceships with higher value, players need to use tools to dismantle the entire spaceship into small pieces in zero-gravity space, classify the disassembled items accordingly, and throw them away for incineration. Metal recycling or device recycling.

The work of recovering a spaceship is very dangerous. Players need to often turn on the scanner to check the layout of the spacecraft, adjust the air pressure inside the spacecraft, or remove dangerous devices in order and keep them away from the work area and recovery.

In short, the game is a set of simulation gameplay with the theme of disassembly. As for simulation gameplay, there must be corresponding resource management.

Players need to pay attention to the durability of the tools and the amount of supplies; they must pay attention to the consumption of fuel and oxygen and replenish them in time when necessary; they must also avoid being penetrated by objects in the helmet. Here you cannot be like the "Metro" series He used tape to cover the holes in his helmet, and if it was smashed through, he would have to leave work in frustration.

As the name suggests, the player in

What's special is that each shift only takes 15 minutes to dismantle the spacecraft. The unfinished disassembly this time can only be put to the next time. Therefore, in order to protect my own life, not to destroy the recyclables, and to recycle them more efficiently, I was trained to observe the internal structure and key points of the spacecraft before dismantling it, and to eliminate dangers before proceeding. Real projects must be like this, it can be said to be quite realistic. The

game distinguishes 4 levels of difficulty. In the easy difficulty mode, oxygen and time management can be reduced; in the difficulty level above the standard level, the number of resurrections is even limited.

Because I wanted to write a review, I played the entire game in standard mode. In fact, I sincerely recommend that light players play in simple mode, which can be more relaxed with a lot less control. Usually for games that require me to write a review, I finish playing it and then switch to the next game. But for this game, I decided to play it in simple mode again.

After each spacecraft is disassembled to a certain extent, corresponding L coins can be obtained for upgrading. Most of the upgrades that

can obtain are some numerical increases. When the value reaches a certain value, the improvement that can be obtained is quite obvious. For example, being able to sustain oxygen for 15 minutes can directly reduce the energy to focus on oxygen.

As the name suggests, the player in

Get credits by recycling the spaceship, and the credits can be used to purchase needed materials. Credits are also used throughout the story to explain why the player and other characters are here and why they are doing what they are doing.

But this is equivalent to currencies in other games and is also a very core resource, but it is the point that I pay the least attention to.

Although there will be some distress when spending money, the distress is very small and dissipates quickly. Buy it immediately when you need it, life and efficiency are much more important.

Of course, the more important reason why I don’t feel bad is that I owe billions, and I realized that I couldn’t even pay it back, so I started acting recklessly.

Narrative experience

People are in space and working in debt.

When introducing this work to my friends, I summed up the impression this work left on me in one sentence, "a simulation game with a science fiction black humor satire theme." In the early days of the

game, I signed a contract to become a shipbreaker for LYNX Recycling Company. Then the genes need to be extracted. After enduring "basically tolerable" physical destruction, he wakes up and is told that he can "die safely."

As the name suggests, the player in

Then, there was a bill with a deficit. If I counted it carefully, I owed as much as 1.2 billion for such an entry procedure. It is such a brief beginning that establishes the black humor and satirical style of this work.

As the name suggests, the player in

If my grandparents knew that this was astronaut , they would definitely not buy me delicious jelly.

Therefore, I risked all kinds of risks to dismantle the spacecraft in space, not to get rich, but to pay off the debt I owed.

Death is no longer an escape. My genes were extracted when I joined the company, so when I died, LYNX Recycling Company would resurrect me in a timely manner and aggressively record another resurrection fee on the bill. So this can be said to be the most life-valuing game among all the games I have played.

As the name suggests, the player in

Therefore, seeing the number of bills that I still owe countless money gradually decreasing, brings a greater sense of accomplishment and hope.

can see that, as a simulation game, a lot of effort has been put into describing the story background. The same is true for

. The game also spends a lot of ink on the narrative.

I have not come across many games with similar narrative methods. The method is similar to the " Firewatch " and " Portal " series. Among them, it is closer to "Portal", which also has a "mute" protagonist.

mainly understands the world and advances the plot through chats between characters. Understand the world from the third person perspective and participate in the story from the first person perspective.

games can often clearly display a character's personality through a few simple sentences.

WEAVER, the good big brother, LOU, who is not afraid of power, and HAL, the pretentious lackey of capital.

As the name suggests, the player in

Chicken soup for the daily wake-up call, artificial intelligence that reminds me of the company's financial security when I encounter danger, news events that public relations salaries must be very high.

continued to deepen my impression of this ridiculous company with descriptions and letters.

As the name suggests, the player in

As the name suggests, the player in

This game is similar to "Portal". Even if you ignore the plot, you can still get a decent game experience; if you don't get into the plot, you will easily be attracted again by the dessert called the plot in the game.

But unlike "Portal", the plot of "Portal" has guiding directions, explaining various reasons and ultimate goals.

The plot dialogue of "Shipbreaker" is more daily. These are casual conversations before starting work, discussions behind the scenes, and other daily conversations that often happen to me.

's simulated gameplay and narrative-heavy game is by no means unique to this game. "The Forest", in which everyone has a wife and children, also has a certain amount of descriptive stories.

What attracts me to this work is the black humor that satirizes reality, which I can always relate to.

black humor

work, still too romantic.

I recall my experience with Darkest Dungeon, a game I always derided as a "capitalist simulator". It was hard to tell for a moment whether I, a distant relative of the lord, was cruel, or whether the capital company of "Shipbreaker" was more cruel.

also dragged low-level and low-level people in exchange for profits regardless of safety, and gave away relatively simple materials in order to ensure the safety of the materials.

Perhaps LYNX, like me, has cultivated high-level confidants. But the high-level confidant I raised is really concerned about his spirit and health. As a manager in the game, HAL is timid and pretentious, and became the scapegoat after the incident.

As the name suggests, the player in

Since the company's computers could not run "Shipbreaker", I lived a part-time job working in the company during the day and working in space at night.

In terms of work attitude, I feel lethargic when working in the company, but I am very aggressive when working in space.

The music of this game is quite in the style of a western cowboy, with a hint of relaxation and wild romance in the loneliness. Wearing headphones can always indulge you in the life of a space cowboy. (It’s a pity that there are only music films. If there is official CD media, I will definitely buy it.)

I didn’t expect to be able to pay off the endless debt at the end, and then a little white guitar dog came to me and said "Oh oh Ahhh”. I would be grateful if you could give me a few more challenging and valuable ships. When

reached the ending, in addition to feeling sad about parting with his big brother, he also lamented that, like the game music, the game was still too romantic. The climax before the ending of

is when I sabotage the spaceship with a focus on recycling work. This sabotage movement is comparable to the strike movement to prove the importance of working people.

As the name suggests, the player in

In the end, I got what I wanted. The power of unity of the working people established a union that could protect (most) interests, and canceled a pile of red debts owed by the working people to the black-hearted capitalists.

As the name suggests, the player in

To achieve the final outcome, you need to collect enough parts during the disassembly process and use the spaceship doctor module of the lounge employee terminal to repair the old ship sent by Big Brother. The final element of

's repairs was to place the ubiquitous toy rabbit in the cab as a final traveling companion. It is no exaggeration to say that seeing this really warmed my heart.

As the name suggests, the player in

As the name suggests, the player in

Review summary

This game is a simulation game with the core gameplay of dismantling a spaceship, and it also spends a lot of time on the narrative.

may be like game reviewer Tdogegg (goudan) said, the gameplay of this game is similar to " Death Stranding ", and it only has a certain appeal to some audiences. And I happen to be the audience of these two games.

As the name suggests, the player in

When I repaired the joy-con handle by myself, I experienced the same pleasure of disassembly that many people enjoyed when they were young (or young children in the story).

looked at the internal structure and thought about how interaction and feedback are performed. The resulting pain is based on the process of putting it back together. So there was a helpless scene of sighing at the sophistication of the instrument while cursing about why something went wrong again.

In "Dark Space: Shipbreaker", I don't have to think about how to assemble these things at all, just take them apart!

started out as a toddler. As his experience increased and his abilities improved, he became more comfortable with dismantling and gradually reducing his debts.

has only been in the open beta stage for 6 years. I only recently learned about the official version and came into contact with this game.

But there will be no absolutely perfect work. This work also has many regrets and flaws. For example,

has problems such as small text, strange sentence fragmentation in translated text, and text beyond the border.

has also encountered many situations where the model is stuck in the recycling port. Maybe I can solve part of the problem after unlocking the bomb tool; but more often than not, I spend several cables pulling to no avail, and in the end I can only angrily give up on the big meat that reaches my mouth. When faced with a problem like this, it’s also hard for me to be willing to blame myself for the problem.

As the name suggests, the player in

I look forward to having a creative workshop to dismantle more spaceships and even Gundams.

I'm looking forward to a multiplayer mode, where the game can be played like a space version of KitchenAid, and where one person can specialize in dealing with the numerous recycling devices.

For me, these problems are all flaws. Because the game’s sarcastic and dark humorous narrative struck a chord with me.

The irony made me laugh or cry, the dialogue made me accustomed to it, and the ending made my heart warm. I enjoy all the


Thinking about it carefully, sometimes I seem to be less romantic and comfortable than the space cowboy who owes hundreds of millions.

As the name suggests, the player in

Summary of advantages and disadvantages

+ Decompressed simulated dismantling

+ Ironic black humor

+ Realistic but romantic tone

- No more flashy spaceship

- No multiplayer mode and creative workshop without expectations

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