Hello, everyone, I am Daobi Li, a soldier who struggled in the third war. The "tortoise shell formation" that has been complained about has been targeted again. Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains failed because of the timing and man-made consequences. There a

2024/05/2601:33:32 game 1548

Hello, everyone, I am Dao Pen Li, a soldier who fought hard in the Third World War.

The "turtle shell formation" that has been complained about has been targeted again.

At that time, Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains failed, both because of the timing and man-made consequences.

Human factors have two aspects:

First, it is the reason of the Shu Kingdom itself, there are no successors for the generals, and the civil servant group is seriously factional;

Second, it is the reason of the Wei Kingdom, that is, Sima Yi's appearance.

As far as Sima Yi's ability is concerned, he may not have enough offense, but he has more than enough defense. Just one word: endure!

In the battlefield of the Three Kingdoms where siege technology is limited, there is really no way to deal with such generals. Sima Yi's style of play is equivalent to the "tortoise shell formation" in the strategy version of the Three Kingdoms.

Hello, everyone, I am Daobi Li, a soldier who struggled in the third war. The

The core idea of ​​the Turtle Shell Formation - If I can't defeat you, I won't fight.

When the enemy is strong and one's side is shrinking, in order to ensure separatism, defending the birth state is the last struggle of the weak side, and the Turtle Shell Formation becomes the best way to defend the birth state. Convenient way.

uses the main city in the 2-3 ring to block the checkpoint, and cleverly uses the city to close and capture prisoners. can achieve to close the city 24 hours a day . When the alliance's execution is good enough, it can be defended without spending a single soldier. own level. Because the main city's face-to-face layout resembles a tortoise shell, it is also known as the "tortoise shell array".

Of course, although this method can ensure one's own division, one's own players have basically lost the fun of the game. If everyone agrees with the concept of " can't beat you, I won't play ", it's okay, just wait for one season and come back next season.

does not matter for general area servers. But it's different in the aircraft carrier area. This type of server is a gathering area for highly active players, and what they want is passion. Once the tortoise shell array is set up, there will be no fight, and the crowd will immediately laugh. Therefore, the Turtle Shell Formation is bound to undergo changes.

Hello, everyone, I am Daobi Li, a soldier who struggled in the third war. The

The closing time of the city is shortened by 1 hour. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

The closed city is divided into three stages: preparation stage, closed city stage, and cooling stage . Among them, there is only the closed city stage, which is completely free of war. This adjustment is aimed at the city closure phase.

html The update on 17.6, the rule adjustment part, directly points the blade to the closed city stage, which is changed from the current 6 hours to 5 hours, that is, each city only has 5 hours of war-free time. Although

only reduced the time by 1 hour, it increased the difficulty of operating the turtle formation. It used to be 4 hours a day to complete two city closures, but now it can complete two city closures in 3 hours a day. During the same period, the number of operations increased. The impact of

Hello, everyone, I am Daobi Li, a soldier who struggled in the third war. The

on the entire game ecology also needs to be combined with the first adjustment, that is, when the city is separated from the captives, interrupts the closed city and closed city preparation state of . For this interruption of

, I prefer to reset, that is, the closed city state must be restarted from the beginning. Even if the preparation phase is over, it must be restarted from the beginning. This is like a reset. Before the

update, the old commander was most accustomed to operating, using the captive phase to complete the 2.5-hour reading. Before the end of the reading, immediately release the prisoner , so that can seamlessly connect to the closed city and buy more time for one's own team. After the update of

, as long as escapes capture, the city will be closed and will be reset immediately. If you want to close the city, you have to read the article from the beginning without the cooling time limit.

Hello, everyone, I am Daobi Li, a soldier who struggled in the third war. The

This update makes it impossible for captured members to help their own alliance build an advantage while in captivity. To be honest, it is closer to reality and benefits the offense. The disadvantage of

is for the defensive side. Changes like require that when matching zone servers, the strength must be similar to . If the difference in strength is large, it will basically be a crushing game, and the defender will have no chance of defending. The final "turtle shell array" will also become a thing of the past.

The game ecology is changing - lying flat is no longer advisable

If you were allowed to lie flat a year or two ago during the Third World War, then lying flat is not allowed now!

Hello, everyone, I am Daobi Li, a soldier who struggled in the third war. The

A brief summary:

The aircraft carrier area is a collision of passions, and there is no "tortoise shell array" gameplay!

The individual area is in a free-range state. You can play whatever you want in farming and fighting!

According to this logic, the zone server will be virtually divided into active zones and inactive zones, and each player can find the way he wants. If you want to lie down, go to the private area, which is basically unattended.

Based on this, Daozi speculates that the subsequent game mechanics related to the "Turtle Shell Formation" will still be changed!

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