On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D

2024/05/1814:00:34 game 1955

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first game was played by DK against NS. Currently, DK is ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and T1 in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to DK, but BIG3's honorary DK still had to protect it, and DK could not afford to lose when facing other mid-to-lower-tier teams. In addition, DK also mentioned in the pre-match interview that he is studying the playing style of LPL and will learn from LPL.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

NS is ranked sixth with a record of 2 wins and 3 losses. The games they lost include facing T1, GEN and DRX. It is these three teams that currently rank in the top three in the standings. NS will also use Peter as the starting assistant in this game. In fact, Peter gave an impressive performance at the beginning of the spring split. However, after NS was troubled by the new crown epidemic, Peter also fell into a slump. It was also 106 days before he returned to the game. Back to the starting lineup.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

BP in the first game:

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

is still the more common practice recently of Zeli Lulu playing the mouse and cat. Both sides placed big cores in the middle of the second round. In the top lane, Nuguri got Gnar, and Canna got Ornn, single belt. Duan DK had a small lead, but what he sacrificed was the intensity of the team fight.

Competition stage:

The early rhythm was relatively stable. Dread achieved a certain lead in the number of jungle clearings in the jungle, and helped NS control the vanguard after catching Gnar on the road in 8 minutes.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews0 minutes and a half dragon group, the plane brought explosives to pick up the group, NS immediately let DK get the dragon and came over to see, DK started the team fight smoothly, Gnar also came to support, 5 on 4 in the front, DK won A small victory of 1 for 2, and then he caught and killed the lane-greedy old teammate Ghost King in the bottom lane.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

DK gained the advantage and pulled out the first blood tower in the bottom lane, and accepted the second vanguard. In the 16-minute dragon group, the plane brought explosives to join the group and successfully got the dragon, released the pioneer in the middle and pulled out the first tower. DK expanded the economic lead to 4K.

The mid-term rhythm completely fell into the hands of DK, and the economy grew bigger and bigger. DK also successfully obtained the draw card Electric Dragon. NS did not have much to do with DK. The mouse did not use a big move for more than 10 minutes.

html At 124 minutes, NS Baron forced the team to find the rhythm, but after Ornn passed, there was no control to keep up. DK easily took over Baron and expanded the economy to 8K.

html At 127 minutes, all members of the Dragon Soul Team and NS were dispatched and had to take over, but they could not squeeze into the dragon pit from the front. DK successfully got the electric dragon soul. Xu Xiu flew with an explosive pack and rode on the face to output, leading the team to play a wave of 0 for 4. Successfully removed the middle and lower high ground of NS.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

After that, DK repeatedly tortured NS, making the mouse's explosion completely unable to hit anyone, and finally bulldozed NS's high ground to win the game in 31 minutes.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

The post-match data was quite overwhelming. DK took the lead from the first wave of explosives on the plane when they took over the dragon group. NS had no rhythm.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

POG was given to Xu Xiu.

BP in the second game:

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

Before the start of the second game, NS brought Effort up again. Peter the cat really didn’t do much in the first game. Since cats and mice were not very good, NS changed their thinking directly and got Senna Fanny’s combination. , in the last two single lanes, each side gets a Counter, and the jungler is also a lot of monkeys playing against Foego recently.

Competition stage:

In the 2V2 between the two sides, Canna made a big mistake. Tetsuo failed to open the shield and was frozen by the pig girl and directly handed over first blood.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

However, NS still collected all the resources in the first round, and caught the third uncle in the lower river in 10 minutes. However, the second little dragon was snatched by the third uncle's fruit punishment, which was a bit confusing and interrupted the rhythm.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews6 minutes into the second vanguard group. Although NS was the first to assemble and get the vanguard, the subsequent retreat was shut down by DK to beat the dog. Xu Xiu Tsar entered the field and pushed to three people. Zeli led the cat to complete the harvest, and DK got a wave of 3 for 4. It was a miserable victory, but Zeli got a lot of kills and her growth took off.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews8 minutes, Xiaolong Group, Tetsuo was unable to move due to a set of controls. Monkey and Sword Demon pointed directly at Zeli, but Xu Xiu Tsar's big move made a rescue, allowing Zeli to lead another wave of harvest with the cat, DK They won a 0-for-3 teamfight victory, and also got the dragon to continue to expand their lead.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

html At 120 minutes, NS dispatched four people to catch the pig girl. Although they killed the pig girl first, DK people came to pick up the team later and helped Zeli to make a wave of gains. Deokdam Zeli's record reached 7-0 and began to take over. Contest.

After that, NS continued to target the pig girl, but was pulled brilliantly by Niu Bao. When DK's support was in place, they counterattacked and directly played 0 for 2 to capture the baron. NS's defeat was already irreversible.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

In the end, DK ended the game relatively quickly in 26 minutes. DK also learned from the LPL style as they said before the game. Unity is strength. The support of the brothers was very quick, and the decision to take over the team was also very decisive. Fighting fertilizer is still faster than last-ditch fertilizer.

On July 3, 2022, the last match day of the third week of the LCK Summer Split, the first match was played by DK against NS. DK is currently ranked fifth with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses. It had previously lost to T1 and NS in the BIG3 civil war. GEN did deal a heavy blow to D - DayDayNews

POG player gave Deokdam, and Zeli got a super record of 8-0.

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