Will the domestic horror game "Fireworks" be transformed into a third-rate horror movie after its film and television?

2021/09/1020:56:03 game 614

On Teacher's Day, Moonlight Cockroach, the game producer of "Fireworks", presented us with an unexpected joy-"Fireworks" officially announced the film and television.

Will the domestic horror game

This year can be called a "big year" for domestic stand-alone games. From the end of last year to this year, several domestic stand-alone machines have achieved great success, " Dyson Ball Project" , "Shadow Torch City" has won unanimous praise from domestic and foreign players. The appearance of "Black Myth: Wukong" has boosted the confidence of many players in domestic 3A games.

And "Fireworks" as a horizontal version of a low-cost independent game, compared with these games with fine 3D graphics, it does seem a bit shabby. However, the evaluation of this game is not worse than that of other domestic games. Even, its praise ratio may be the highest among all domestic stand-alone games. Steam has more than 10,000 reviews, and the praise rate is as high as 98%!

Will the domestic horror game

through the game, the duration is about 3 hours, basically to avoid the degree of refund after playing, and this short and sleek game can get such a high evaluation from players, mainly because of its grounding. The scene design, the rich and full set of people, and the touching and memorable story.

The main theme of the game was actually written on the wall from the beginning, that is, "Speak science and break superstition." Although the protagonist has the ability to channel superstitions, the plot is driven by one superstition after another. It seems to deviate from the slogan on the wall. However, the author Moonlight Cockroach uses a subtle plot arrangement to tell the story of a family of five destroyed due to feudal superstition with a horror game. The rigidity without preaching meaning makes people involuntarily ignore the slogan itself in this worldview. On the contrary, there is a deeper and different understanding of the slot points below.

Will the domestic horror game

especially the teacher Chen Qingsui who assisted the protagonist Lin Lixun in the case,To such a game with some horror elements, it brings a touch of different colors, giving people a bright feeling. Just like Nie Xiaoqian in "A Chinese Ghost Story", in this environment where human hearts are more terrifying than ghosts, Teacher Chen's truth, kindness and beauty have become a beacon, illuminating Fangfang, Lin Lixun, and even the darkness in the hearts of players, making people feel After the game is over, I can't let go for a long time.

Will the domestic horror game

Its excellent storyline is unforgettable, and in recent years, film and game linkage has become popular at home and abroad. Therefore, after the game was launched and gained a certain degree of popularity, there have been many domestic producers. The company has ever found cockroaches to negotiate the adaptation, and many directors and screenwriters have expressed their love for "Fireworks".

Although Moonlight Cockroach and the game publisher GameraGame have never been involved in the film and television industry, they are still very cautious about the IP of "Fireworks". They did not immediately decide to sell "Fireworks" for just bad money, but After a long period of deliberation, it was not until September 10th Teacher’s Day that Moonlight Cockroaches officially announced that they would cooperate with Wuyuan Culture to produce "Fireworks" film and television works.

Will the domestic horror game

An excellent but somewhat niche domestic stand-alone game that can be filmed and filmed, there is no doubt that this IP is a good opportunity to expand its influence. Players should be happy about it, but in related Below the news, many netizens voiced doubts instead.

Will the domestic horror game

The point that everyone questioned is not whether the quality of the game itself is suitable for film and television adaptation, nor is it worried about the production of " white night chase", " secret and great" The strength of the five-element culture of Douban high-scoring web dramas is that they worry about whether some content in the game will be "magically altered" because of the film and television.

Will the domestic horror game

As mentioned earlier, although "Fireworks" focuses on anti-superstition, the three views of the game are also very positive, but this is after all a horror game with ghosts and monsters, eighteen levels of hell , Ghosts, etc. are real. The protagonist Lin Lixun’s special ability is that he can communicate with ghosts. Walking in the yin and yang realms and defending justice for the unjustly killed is Lin Lixun’s most important label. The promotion of the game plot makes it difficult for Teacher Chen. The forgotten mystery of life and death, and Zhao Xiaojuan’s fish-meat-eating plot that shocked the player for a whole year are inseparable from this basic setting, especially in a ghostly world that expresses the importance of anti-superstition. If you abandon the ghost setting, its The impact on players will be greatly reduced.

Will the domestic horror game

However, as we all know, this kind of superstitious content has always been a key domestic control. Many domestic film and television works about ghosts and monsters, in order to pass the review, always add a scientific explanation in the end , Either artificial or illusion, or simply overthrow the story of the previous few hours, just say that all this is just a dream, and play the audience as a fool. This is a large part of why there are so many bad domestic horror films.

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Will the domestic horror game

Speaking of this, Yun Youji remembered a Hong Kong film " zombie " released in 2013, which is a tribute to the representative actor of the Hong Kong zombie film, Lin Span _span2.Since the director is a newcomer, they invited the Japanese horror film master Shimizu Takashi to be the producer. They also invited many old drama bones that were common in zombie films of the last century. The protagonist is Qian Xiaohao, who often plays Lin Zhengying’s apprentice_ Played by span2span.

Will the domestic horror game

Will the domestic horror game

From the beginning to the end, the film is full of horror, neither European nor American horror films nor too much emphasis on blood. Rendering psychological horror, on the contrary, after combining some settings of old Hong Kong horror films, it brings a fresher experience to the audience.

Then, in order to pass the trial, the end tells the audience directly that the previous stories are false, and everything that happens is the fantasy of the protagonist's death after hanging...

Will the domestic horror game

Can’t say this The movie is terrible, but this ending really discounts the otherwise good movie. Generally speaking, a good movie ending will give people more aftertaste and thinking after the movie is over, but horror movies can always end with this kind of bridge that destroys the movie watching experience.

Therefore, if the plot of "Fireworks" is drastically changed for similar reasons, and the content involving feudal superstitions is deleted, it is tantamount to breaking the arms, and it is likely to destroy the original still more exciting After all, such a game that relies on ghosts and monsters to handle cases, to be honest, the content of suspense reasoning is far from those excellent suspense works.

Will the domestic horror game

Many netizens’ doubts and concerns are nothing more than the above, but from the perspective of Yunyouji,Don't worry too much. The producers of "Fireworks" made it clear that they would participate in the creation of the script. Wuyuan Culture also emphasized that they will respect the core of the original work and tell the story with their heart. No matter how the story is adapted, the central idea can at least be guaranteed to meet the needs of the game author. The content expressed.

In recent years, the relevant departments have been relatively lax in reviewing web dramas. As long as the central idea conforms to the core values ​​of socialism, there is no problem with proper integration of some ghost elements. The suspenseful and supernatural web drama " soul ferry" "From 2014 to 2018, there have been several releases in a row, and I haven't seen this work being taken off the shelves because of suspected feudal superstition?

Will the domestic horror game

Foreign film and game linkages are in full swing, and many Sony games have already begun to be humanized, while most of the domestic film and game linkages are based on the theme of "Fireworks". In fact, modern elements of horror games are rarely seen in film and television.

Out of personal preference, Yunyouji is still very supportive and affirming of the film and television of "Fireworks", whether it is for domestic stand-alone games or the film and television industry, it is considered a good thing.

Of course, the premise is not to affect the development of Moonlight Cockroach's new work "San Fu".

Will the domestic horror game


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