Wife: Do you know why there is only one sun in the sky? Husband: This is so that others can show less affection and die faster! Husband: The story later became only memories, and it also left sequelae.

Wife: Do you know why there is only one sun in the sky?

Husband: This is to make others show less affection and die faster!

Wife: I haven’t told the story of Hou Yi yet.

Husband: The story turned out to be nothing but memories, and it also left sequelae.

Wife: Why do some men like to say they are single when they are married?

Husband: Because his thin body needs someone to warm it.

Wife: What about you?

Husband: I am too fat.

Wife: Why do other women wear gold and silver, but I don’t even have any decent clothes when I marry you?

Husband: I have no regrets in the drunken years of the world, and I love your beauty without makeup.

Wife: Don’t forget, I have practiced Su Nu Heart Sutra.

Husband: Then let’s practice the Jade Girl sword technique together.

Wife: Then I will let you become a pretty girl, let’s see what happens!

Wife: Even though we have been married for so long, you haven’t taken me on a trip.

Husband: Traveling is hard work, hard work and money. They say traveling is about going to places that others are tired of and feeling fresh.

Wife: If you are stingy and you say it so nicely, will it bring something new to him if I find a new husband?

Husband: Is this it? When you revisit your old place and look back, you will find that the scenery around you is still the most beautiful.

Wife: Why did you change so much before and after marriage? You no longer love me as much as you did before!

Husband: In the face of time, you can never step into the same river. The long river of time cannot stop us from falling in love. You also said that I am not the same person before, but I love you so much!

Wife: It used to be Qinghe, and later it was Hunhe . What a big difference.

Husband: Only by wading in troubled waters can you catch fish. I am a fish and I have been waiting for you to touch me and land.

Wife: By the time you get ashore, it will have been steamed or braised.

Husband: You are not a fish and you don’t know my love.

Wife: It turns out there is a reason why I love fish so much.

Wife: I used to like meat so much, how did you make me like vegetarians so much? Huh, I'm going to tell people you abused me!

Husband: Why don’t you say you eat meat and vegetables every day? Yes, I will also eat vegetarian dishes to relieve my tiredness.

Wife: Why don’t you say you made me fat?

Husband: You must know that fat girls are not allowed to enter the fields of outsiders. I am a hidden beauty in a golden house.

Wife: My husband is so kind.

Po: Husband, why are you such a homebody lately? You sit next to the computer and play games every day. Where are the poems and the distance you once promised?

Husband: It’s all my fault that I’m too homely. I’ve always kept you in my heart and let Shi fall in love with you far away. I’m embarrassed to break up with you.

Wife: Then I’ll order home delivery to take you out.

Husband: Alas, the free ones are the most expensive. I give them away for free and no one can afford them.

Wife: I can’t afford it, your “disaster” is just a king bomb!