1. On the ship, a sailor asked another sailor: "Wine and women, which do you prefer?" The other sailor replied: "I first have to know (it) their birth dates." 2. Clerk: " Manager, your meeting has been going on for so long, what decision have you made?” Manager: “Yes, we have dec

1. On the ship, a sailor asked another sailor: "Wine and women, which do you prefer?"

Another sailor replied: "I first have to know (it) their birth dates."

2. Staff: "Manager, your meeting has been going on for so long. What decisions have been made?"

Manager: "Yes, we have decided to have another meeting next week to discuss when the annual meeting will be held."

3, my uncle went to see him today I was playing with my girlfriend, but ended up breaking up with my brother-in-law. The uncle asked: Why? I love you so much. Girlfriend: You are too stingy. Uncle: Where did I pick it? Girlfriend: This is the ring you bought for me. I’ll give it back to you. Then he turned around and left. My uncle hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute." My girlfriend asked: What else do you want to do? Uncle: Where is the box where I put the ring?

4. With the help of my young colleagues, I opened Alipay Huabei and immediately got a credit limit of 80,000 yuan. I was so happy that I immediately bought an Huawei P40 in installments. After I got the new mobile phone, I created a family group and included all my relatives. This group of people are very good at chatting. They grab red envelopes, give out chicken soup, and show off their grandchildren every day. Last year during the Chinese New Year, my cousin who had not found a girlfriend did not dare to talk in the group. My aunt was very angry and said: I can't tolerate the fact that you don't have a girlfriend, but you don't know how to communicate with relatives! Send out red envelopes! Now the family has formed a tacit understanding. As long as we talk about my cousin's life events, I will get a red envelope...

5. Last week, I went to Chongqing with my best friend and ate hot pot for two of the three meals a day. After I got home, I oral I have ulcer ! I couldn’t bear it for two days. I asked my dad to take me to the hospital for emergency treatment. I finally waited until I opened my mouth. The doctor shouted: "Don't look at it, it's an advanced stage of cavity ulcer!" When Dad heard that it was in an advanced stage, my father's legs became weak. Then the doctor slowly said: "It's getting better soon, don't waste money!

6. He was laid off some time ago, but he was very optimistic. After a while, his wife saw that the family had no money, so she complained to her buddy: Last year you I went to ask for a fortune, and the person who interpreted it said that there will be a noble person in your life to help me. I can't even open the door now. Why hasn't the noble person shown up yet? Brother laughed and said: Come on, the noble person has forgotten us for the time being. Brother, my wife is very confused. Question: Why? He replied: Haven't you heard a sentence? How forgetful you are!

7. I went to the mobile phone store to buy a new mobile phone worth more than 5,000 yuan yesterday, holding it in my arms. I couldn’t stop playing with my new phone. After I woke up in the morning, I was playing with my phone while making porridge. Then my hand slipped and I accidentally dropped the phone. Before long, I reached out and took the phone out. Fished out of the pot, I have to admire my bravery...