Unlock the new skill of puffer fish. It is said that the owner of this house is a knight. Now I really believe that brat. He dares to bully my son. A punctured tire on my bicycle is a small matter, but it is a big deal if my wallet is missing. The elders in our community are comp

Unlock the new skills of pufferfish

It is said that the owner of this house is a knight, now I really believe it

You brat, how dare you bully my son

A punctured bicycle tire is a trivial matter, but It's a big deal if the wallet is gone

us The elders in the community are more awesome than the other!

I have been separated from my owner for more than a year. The moment we reunited was really touching...

Brother, why do you wear these shoes like this? He is also a talent. It has been made into sausages.

I don’t have any skills these days, so I really don’t dare to come out.

A duck that lost its footing and fell into the well looks so pitiful.

Brother, is this a TV or a mobile phone?

These are the new clothes you bought for me! You have a good eye, it’s pretty!

The baby raised by grandma can dance really well! It’s so unique.

Dude, it’s very hard to watch TV like this.

Does it look like you are taking the driver’s license exam?

If there is a door, just climb over the fence

Don’t let the sun burn out

As long as I stop somewhere, I will definitely win!

"I picked up a USB flash drive on the road, and there was not a single folder in it... What is this?" Wow hahaha ~