Pipi shrimp, also known as Oriental mantis shrimp, mantis shrimp, etc. It is a nutritious, juicy and tender seafood product. Its meat contains more water, the meat tastes sweet and tender, light and soft, and has a special and attractive umami taste; every spring is the time when

Pipi shrimp , also known as Oriental mantis shrimp, mantis shrimp, etc. It is a nutritious, juicy and tender seafood product. Its meat contains more water, the meat tastes sweet and tender, light and soft, and has a special and attractive umami taste; every spring is the time when it lays eggs. It is the best season to eat at this time. The plump mantis shrimp has a brain full of grease.

It has nutritional value

1. The meat of Pipi shrimp is soft and easy to digest. It is an excellent food for people who are weak and need to take care of themselves after illness.

2. It has an important regulatory effect on the heart because it is rich in magnesium, which is good for , so it can protect the cardiovascular system well, prevent arteriosclerosis, and at the same time expand coronary arteries , which is helpful in preventing hypertension and myocardial infarction

3. It has a tonic effect because it is rich in nutrients such as phosphorus and calcium.

4. Contains astaxanthin, which is the strongest antioxidant

Stir-fried shrimps with green onions (shrimp)

Ingredients preparation: shrimps, green onions, ginger, cooking wine, salt


1. In the pot Bring water to a boil, add a small amount of chopped ginger, add shrimps, cook for 3 minutes, remove and drain. (If you have not blanched the shrimp, it will not be stir-fried and it will not be easy to taste)

2. Turn on the heat, add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, when the oil temperature rises, add the green onion and ginger and stir-fry

3. Stir-fry After the aroma comes out, add the drained shrimps and stir-fry them

4. After the water is dried, add salt and cooking wine and stir-fry again, and it is ready.

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