No matter what kind of wine you drink, drinking friends have a common habit, that is, it must be paired with some appetizers, such as peanuts, hot and sour radish, and four slices of mixed radish. More or less, this can enrich the taste and make the drinking experience more enjoy

No matter what kind of wine you drink, drinking friends have a common habit, that is, it must be paired with some appetizers, such as peanuts, hot and sour radish, and four slices of mixed radish. More or less, this can enrich the taste and enhance the drinking experience. Be more fun.

When eating and drinking, some people don’t have wine, which is boring; if there is wine but no vegetables, the taste is dull. When drinking, a few small wine and side dishes can add color and fragrance, and also add a leisurely elegance. The spicy Sichuan cuisine paired with the fragrant white wine can stimulate a rich taste experience.

Why is it said that strong-flavor liquor is better matched with Sichuan cuisine?

This is closely related to the taste characteristics of strong-flavor liquor. Luzhou-flavor liquor has a strong aroma and full taste, with a sweet and clean entrance and a clean throat. Sichuan cuisine is characterized by numbness, spicy, fresh and fragrant, and has a fresh taste. , the rich and mellow Sichuan cuisine and the passionate and unrestrained strong-flavor liquor collide together, without covering up the aromas of each other, it is more conducive to stimulating their strong taste.

If you eat the wrong food with wine, the aroma of the wine will be reduced by half. All lovers of strong-flavor liquor, remember to order classic Sichuan dishes such as Maoxuewang, Mapo Tofu, twice-cooked pork, etc. when drinking, and enjoy the passionate collision between your tongue and taste buds!