As the saying goes, "If you want fish to land, trade for food." Especially in natural waters where the water is wide and the fish are sparse, if you want to catch good fish, building a nest is an indispensable link. In addition, the temperature continues to rise in summer, and th

As the saying goes, "If you want fish to land, trade for food." Especially in natural waters where the water is wide and the fish are sparse, if you want to catch good fish, building a nest is an indispensable link.

In addition, the temperature continues to rise in summer, and the fish mouth is getting worse and worse. The air force is likely to be a problem. At this time, the more you need to pay attention to skills.

For example, whether the weather and timing for fishing are correct, and whether the nest materials and bait are effective in luring fish, etc. Today I will mainly share with you some of my more commonly used nest materials.

The first one: Grain fermented bait

The high temperature in summer makes small fish more active. In order to better avoid the situation of small fish making nests, most fishing friends will use relatively plain bait, among which grain bait is the best.

First material preparation:

The main materials are corn, wheat, honey, brown sugar, bran, and high-strength liquor

Specific steps:

Step one: The old corn lacks moisture. In order to facilitate subsequent production, the corn should be prepared one day in advance. Soak in water.

Step 2: Wash the wheat kernels with clean water, add brown sugar to the soaked corn kernels, put them into the pot and cook. Don't cook it all at once, cook it until it's medium-cooked and then simmer it for an hour with residual heat so that the corn and wheat grains can fully absorb the brown sugar.

Step 3: Take out the after it is cooked. As for drying the water on a flat surface, it must be fully dried. After drying, add honey, brown sugar, and white wine and stir evenly. There are no strict requirements for the proportion of the above ingredients. For one pound of the main ingredients, you can add about one tael of honey, two taels of brown sugar, and three taels of white wine.

Step 4: Add an appropriate amount of bran, stir evenly, put it into a sealable container, and ferment for half a month. If you add too much bran, you need to add more white wine.

The bait made in this way can be used for making nests and hooks. The sweet fermented aroma is very attractive to larger fish, especially carp , grass carp, etc. The temptation is very strong. This bait is usually the one I take with me the most when I travel, and it helps me catch a lot of fish every time.

The second type: Tender corn kernel bait

Tender corn is the most commonly used bait by fishing friends in summer. The fresh and fragrant corn kernels are not only effective in luring fish, but can also reduce the number of small fish making nests to a certain extent. The following two are introduced Grow a simple way to process tender corn.

1. Beer soaked tender corn kernels

There are many ways to brew tender corn, with beer and rice wine being the best. The use of beer can not only retain the sweetness of the corn itself, but also bring a slightly refreshing and smooth wine aroma.

The specific method is to put the tender corn kernels in a container, add beer and stir evenly, cover it with plastic wrap and keep it fresh in the refrigerator for one night. You can use it directly the next day or make nests and hooks. However, the storage time of this method should not be too long, usually only 3 or 4 days.

2. Original yogurt mixed with tender corn

This method is the simplest. Prepare one or two bottles (boxes) of original yogurt. After arriving at the fishing ground, find a container to mix the yogurt and corn kernels evenly. There should not be too much yogurt. Just ensure that the corn is Just a little bit on the grains is enough. Stir evenly and add 3-5 ml of vitiligo to increase the feed-promoting effect of the bait.

The bait produced in this way is sour and sweet, which is very suitable for catching big fish in hot summer. And there are some substances in the Heart Dropper, some of which are pure plant extracts, and some of which are extracted from fish. They are all substances that are very attractive to freshwater fish.

Moreover, there are many different flavors for those who are interested, which can be selected for different target fish species to achieve the maximum fish luring effect. And it doesn’t need too much. If you add a little bit, the fish luring effect of the bait will be significantly improved.

Final summary:

In summer, fish schools spend most of their time hiding in deep water areas to enjoy the coolness. Only by gathering fish at fishing spots at this time can we better protect them. If you can't lure fish into the nest, no matter how good your technique is, it will be of no use to you as a hero. If there are no fish in the nest, no matter how cool your movements are or how cool your posture is, it will be useless.

Although the above bait formulas cannot guarantee the protection of the rod, they are still good in attracting fish, the cost is not high, and the production method is relatively simple. Interested fishing friends can give it a try and may get unexpected results.