Flower slices with shrimp paste slices are a staple food in Yantai, some with fillings and some without fillings. This slice is a specialty product of Yantai Xiaoziwei Restaurant. It is made with cornmeal and a little celery leaves, and is made using a "combination of frying and

Flowering slices with shrimp paste

slices are a kind of whole grain staple food in Yantai , some with fillings and some without fillings. This slice is a specialty product of Yantai Xiaoziwei Restaurant. It is made with cornmeal and a little celery leaves, and is made using a "combination of frying and steaming" technique. The fried slices are tender yellow mixed with emerald green, with a mellow aroma and freshness, and are served with shrimps. Served with sauce, it is simply a delicacy in the world.

Batch preparation:

500g of fine cornmeal, add 50g of white flour, 20g of sugar, 35g of yeast powder, 1 egg, mix well, add 50g of chopped celery leaves, add an appropriate amount of water and knead into a dough of moderate hardness. Finally, knead gently for a few times until it becomes slightly firmer.

cooking process:

1, electric baking pan adjust to 180℃, pour a little oil and rub evenly.

2. Form the mixed cornmeal into round balls each weighing about 45 grams.

3. Put it into an electric baking pan and bake until the bottom is set.

4. Pour in a little more water.

5. Then cover the pot and fry for 8 minutes until the flowers are ready.

. Put 15 grams of shrimp paste into a coarse porcelain bowl, add an egg, an appropriate amount of water, chopped green onion, and minced cabbage and mix well. After steaming, add 4 flower slices and serve.

The key to making:

Knead gently when kneading the dough, stop when it is slightly stiff, do not work hard, otherwise the pieces will not bloom.

Coarse Grain Pot Sticker Bun

Corn Pot Sticker Bun is very popular in local restaurants, but the appearance is too crude. This corn bun has a coarse grain filling made of purple sweet potato and corn kernels sandwiched in the coarse grain skin. It comes in three colors: white, purple and yellow. , the product is beautiful and tastes sweet.

production process:
1. Mix 500 grams of flour, 100 grams of raw corn flour, 120 grams of sugar, 10 grams of yeast, baking powder 5 grams, 15 grams of lard, and a few fresh corn kernels, then add water and mix until it is soft and hard. Dough.

. Peel 100 grams of purple sweet potato and 100 grams of yam , cut into small pieces, mix well with 100 grams of fresh corn kernels, and then add a little white sugar.

. Cut the dough into small pieces (each weighing about 150 grams), roll it into a dough and wrap it with 30 grams of fillings to make it into a bun shape. Then put it in the fermentation box and take it out after about half an hour. , then put it into the steamer and steam for 20 minutes.

. Take out the steamed buns, cut them into six pieces, fry them on the griddle until both sides are golden brown, then put them on a plate and serve.

Old Yogurt Steamed Bun

This signature pastry is made by soaking the steamed buns in water and frying them until golden brown, then coating them with syrup and injecting them with yogurt. The "golden bricks" of each strip have a very unique taste.

production process:
1. Take a 500g large steamed bun.

2. Peel, cut into 3X1 cm thick strips, and soak in mineral water.

. Heat a wide pan of oil until it is 50% hot. Add thick strips of steamed buns that have absorbed enough water. Fry over medium heat until golden brown. Remove and drain the oil.

. Leave a little oil in the pot, add 150 grams of sugar, stir-fry over low heat until small yellow bubbles appear, add the fried steamed bun pieces and wrap them evenly, pour them into a tray and spread them out, let them cool.

4. Take 100 grams of old yogurt and inject it into the steamed buns with a syringe. Place it on the plate and serve.


. Choose hard-textured steamed buns. 2. In addition to yogurt, you can also add blueberry jam, strawberry jam, etc.

Chestnut pastry

This pastry is made by pounding chestnuts into puree and adding flour to make large steamed buns. The finished product is full of chestnut fragrance and is endlessly memorable.

production process:
1. 10 pounds of peeled chestnuts, fry the outer membrane in 70% hot oil, take it out to dry for a while, rub off the membrane, and rinse.

. Put the cleaned chestnut meat into the pressure cooker, add about 1 cm of water that covers the chestnuts, and put it on steam for 20 minutes.

. Take out the cooked chestnut meat, control the water and then mash it into puree (retain the water in the pot).

. Dissolve 25 grams of yeast powder with a little warm water, pour it into a basin, add 10 pounds of dry flour, prepared chestnut puree, and appropriate amount of chestnut boiling water, and knead it into a soft dough.

. Divide the dough into pieces (each weighing about 2.5 kilograms), knead it into large steamed buns, put them in a fermentation box and let them rise for 50-60 minutes, then put them in a steamer and steam them for 60 minutes. Serve them with a plate of jam or Just use condensed milk.

Production key:

. After the chestnuts are pressed and cooked, they should be pounded while they are hot, otherwise they will become hard after cooling. 2. If it is prepared in advance, steam it thoroughly in a steamer before serving. Do not heat it in a microwave, otherwise the taste will be dry.

Black rice Small noodle nest

Noodle nest is one of the most representative breakfasts in Wuhan. It is shaped like a "doughnut" and tastes soft in thick parts and crispy in thin parts, with the aroma of onion and ginger. This pastry contains black rice, making it healthier.

Batch Preparation:
Wash 5000g of black rice and 1000g of soybeans, pour them into clean water and soak them for 8 hours. After taking them out, add 4000g of clean water and grind them into a thick rice paste, then add 80g of salt, 60g of chopped green onion, Stir 50 grams of minced ginger, 30 grams of MSG, and 20 grams of white pepper.

Food delivery process:

. Ladle the rice milk into a special small spoon and fill it eight minutes full.

. Dip a small spoon into hot oil at 200°C and deep-fry. After it swells and takes shape, turn out the dough pockets in the small spoon one by one, continue to immerse in the oil for about 1 minute, then take it out with a slotted spoon and drain. The oil is ready.

The key to making:

When you first add the oil, keep the surface of the rice slurry flush with the oil surface. If you sink the spoon into the oil too early, it will easily cause the dough to separate from the spoon before it swells.