In July, I would rather eat less meat than eat more of these 6 dishes. They are extremely high in potassium, nutritious and delicious without causing irritation. Eat according to the season. The cool summer time flies so fast, and July is here again in a blink of an eye. In Augus

In July, it is better to eat less meat than to eat more of these 6 dishes. They are extremely high in potassium, nutritious and delicious without causing irritation. Eat according to the season and enjoy the cool summer.

Time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, we are here again. It's July and the children have begun their summer vacation. July is the hottest time of the year, with both head and mid-sleep periods occurring in this month. Therefore, in addition to taking shelter from the heat, we must also pay special attention to our diet. We would rather eat less meat and more seasonal vegetables.

There are quite a lot of seasonal vegetables that can be eaten in July. In addition to fruits and melons, there are lotus root strips, eggplants, sweet potato stems, red amaranth, etc. These vegetables are not only fresh and tender, rich in nutrients, but also contain It is extremely high in potassium and has the functions of replenishing water and cooling and relieving heat. In the hot summer, you may want to give your family more to eat, eat according to the season, and stay cool during the summer. Next, I will share with you 6 home-cooked dishes suitable for July. They are simple and delicious.

[Celery fried white fungus]

Ingredients: 300 grams of celery, 200 grams of white fungus, one green pepper, a little garlic slices, a small spoon of salt, a little chicken essence

Method: 1. Wash the celery and cut it into small pieces, soak the white fungus in advance, and then tear it Cheng Xiaoduo. Blanch them in water for another two minutes, then drain into cold water. 2. Heat the wok, pour in cold oil, add garlic slices and stir-fry until the garlic aroma becomes fragrant. 3. Add celery, white fungus, salt, chicken essence, and a little water, stir-fry over high heat for two or three minutes, and then take it out of the pot. The white fungus fried like this has a crispy texture and is especially delicious.

[Fried lotus root strips with green pepper]

Ingredients: 2 lotus root strips, 2 green peppers, 2 spicy millets, a little garlic slices, a small spoon of salt, a little chicken essence, a little white vinegar

Method: 1. Cut the lotus root strips diagonally into slices Shape, remove seeds from green pepper and cut into small pieces, cut chili millet into small pieces. 2. Heat oil in a hot pan until it is 60% hot. Add garlic slices and millet and stir-fry over high heat for 1 minute. 3. Pour in the lotus root strips, green pepper, salt, chicken essence and white vinegar, stir-fry over high heat for 3 minutes, and then turn off the heat.

[Stir-fried spicy and sour sweet potato stalks]

Ingredients: a handful of sweet potato stalks, 3 spicy millets, a little crushed garlic, a small spoonful of salt, half a small spoonful of sugar, a little chicken essence, half a small spoonful of white vinegar, and half a small spoonful of pepper

Method: 1. Wash the sweet potato stems and fold them into small sections by hand. Cut the spicy millet into sections and set aside. 2. Heat oil in a pan until it is 60% hot, add chili millet and minced garlic and stir-fry for half a minute. 3. Pour in the sweet potato stalks and white vinegar and stir-fry evenly over high heat. Then add salt, sugar, and chicken essence, and stir-fry over high heat for 2 minutes. Stir-fry until the sweet potato stalks change color and then serve on a plate.

[Pork belly and eggplant stew]

Ingredients: 200 grams of pork belly, 2 eggplants, 10 grams of light soy sauce, 2 grams of dark soy sauce, 3 garlic, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken essence, 2 star anise

Method: 1. Cut the pork belly into pieces Cut into large pieces, add light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes. 2. Cut the eggplant into large pieces, soak it in water, take it out and coat it in flour. 3. Heat oil in a pan until it is 60% hot. Add eggplant and fry until golden brown, then take it out. 4. In another pot, heat oil, add pork belly and stir-fry over high heat for 3 minutes. 5. Add garlic slices, eggplant, star anise, light soy sauce, salt, chicken essence and half a bowl of water, simmer over high heat for 3 minutes, sprinkle in chopped green onion and serve.

[Stir-fried bean curd with leek and moss]

Ingredients: leek moss 400g, a small handful of bean curd, 2 chili peppers, a small spoon of salt, a little chicken essence

Method: 1. Soak the bean curd in warm water until soft and cut into small pieces , cut the leek moss into small pieces. 2. Heat oil in a hot pan, add chili, chives, salt, chicken essence and a little water, stir-fry over high heat for 2 minutes. 3. Pour in the tofu skin and stir-fry for 1 minute before serving.

[Stir-fried garlic red amaranth]

Ingredients: 500 grams of red amaranth, 5 garlic cloves, a small spoon of salt, a little chicken essence, a small spoon of oyster sauce

Method: 1. Remove the old part of the red amaranth, and then wash it. 2. Crush the garlic and peel off the skin. 3. Heat the oil in the pan until it is 60% hot. Add the chopped garlic and stir-fry for half a minute. Then add the red amaranth, oyster sauce, salt and chicken essence. Stir-fry for 2 minutes on high heat and it is ready to serve.

Since these 6 kinds of vegetables are all seasonal vegetables and subject to seasonal restrictions, they should be eaten as soon as possible.