Introduction: During the summer vacation, I suggest parents: 3 simple snacks to make for your children, which are healthier than the ones bought and really delicious! Summer vacation has already entered. Have your children started making noises at home and going to the supermarke

Introduction: During the summer vacation, I suggest parents: 3 simple snacks to make for your children, which are healthier than the ones bought and really delicious!

Summer vacation has entered. Have your children started making noises at home and going to the supermarket to buy snacks? For children, eating is a top priority. They are not allowed to eat snacks at school, but they have to eat enough when they are at home during the holidays!

However, the snacks sold outside are not only expensive, but also have many additives. Eating too much will not do any good to the child's health. It is better to make some delicious snacks for your children at home, which not only satisfies the children's cravings, but is also economical and affordable. The most important thing is that they are healthy and more secure. It can be said that it kills multiple birds with one stone. Today I will share with you 3 simple and delicious snacks that can be made at home. They are so delicious that your children will definitely love them. Let’s take a look!

The first type: [Yam Tablets]

In recent years, a new puffed food has been released, that is, yam tablets. Children love to eat them, but in order to ensure the taste and shelf life, some additives are added to puffed food, which is very unhealthy. Don't worry if you do it yourself.

Specific methods:

, Peel off the outer skin of yam and wash off the mucus on the yam. Put it into a steamer, add enough water, and steam the yam over high heat. Cut the steamed yam into cubes and put it into a blender, add an egg and an appropriate amount of cooking oil, and blend into a fine paste.

. Prepare a piping bag. If you don’t have one, use a fresh-keeping bag. Just cut a small opening at the corner. Put the beaten yam paste into a piping bag, squeeze it onto the oil-absorbing paper , squeeze a small drop at a time, and then squeeze another small drop at a certain distance. After squeezing everything out, put a piece of oil-absorbing paper on it and press it hard into thin slices. You can imagine the thickness of the potato chips and press according to that standard.

. Preheat the oven, put the pressed yam paste into the oven together with the oil-absorbing paper, and bake at 100 degrees for about half an hour. After baking, take it out and uncover the oil-absorbing paper. You can see that the yam slices have taken shape and changed color. Sprinkle them with seaweed powder or five-spice powder or pepper while they are hot. If you want it spicy, you can also sprinkle with chili powder. You can adjust these according to your own taste. . After cooling, a healthy yam slice without any additives is ready. It is light and crispy and extremely delicious!

The second type: [ onion rings ]

The nutritional value of onions is particularly high, but many children don’t like to eat them because they taste too strong. But I really like to eat the onion rings sold outside. In this case, I might as well make them at home for my children.

Specific method:

. Peel off the skin of the onion, wash it and cut it into thick slices. Then separate the cut onions layer by layer with your hands, so that they become round onion rings. Put the onion rings into a large bowl, add appropriate amount of salt and pepper and mix well.

. Put the mixed onion rings into cornstarch and coat them with cornstarch. Then put it into a bowl with egg liquid, coat it with a layer of egg liquid, and finally put it into the bread crumbs, and coat it with a layer of bread crumbs, so it is finished.

. After finishing all the onion rings according to the above steps, place them on a baking sheet with absorbent paper, put them in a preheated oven, bake them at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. After roasting, sprinkle with peppercorns and dip into tomato sauce or salad dressing. It is very delicious. Onion rings can also be fried in a pan, but the oil is too big and not suitable for children to eat. If you don't have an oven and want to eat them, you can choose to fry them.

The third type: [Nougat]

Specific method:

. Prepare ingredients: a bag of marshmallows, about 250 grams, not the kind with a filling inside; a piece of butter; about 20 grams of milk powder, whole milk powder is best ; A plate of peeled peanuts; if you have raisins, dried cranberries, nuts, etc. at home, you can also prepare some, but forget it if you don’t have them.

. After heating the non-stick pan, put the butter into the pan. After the butter melts, turn on low heat and pour the marshmallows into the pan. Stir-fry until the marshmallows are completely melted into a paste. Then pour in the milk powder and Prepare the nuts and continue to stir-fry them evenly. Turn on low heat and stir-fry throughout the process, as it will become charred and stick to the pan.

. Place a large piece of oil-absorbing paper on the chopping board, pour the fried nougat paste on it, and then cover it with a layer of oil-absorbing paper. After letting it cool slightly, use a rolling pin to flatten it into a rectangle of about 5 mm. After it cools down, you can cut it into small pieces. The cut nougat must be sealed and packaged so that you can take it at any time when you want to eat it.

The three snacks above look very tempting. They are all children’s favorites and they are very simple to make. When your children are at home during the summer vacation, you can cook more for them so that they won’t bother going out to buy snacks.