When stewing chicken soup, do not add water directly to stew. Do the two key steps. The soup is rich and fragrant, nourishing and nutritious. Chicken is a high-protein, low-fat food, which is very suitable for summer consumption. Don’t always eat pork and beef in summer. Chicken,

Stewed chicken soup, do not add water directly to stew, do the two key steps, the soup will be rich and fragrant, nourishing and nutritious

Chicken is a high-protein, low-fat food, very suitable for summer consumption. Don’t always eat pork and beef in summer. , chicken, fish, and duck would be better choices. Eating more will not make you gain weight, it is easy to digest and absorb, has little burden on the body, and is not easy to get angry.

When eating chicken in the summer, I always like to stew chicken soup. After the delicious chicken soup is out of the pot, I can serve a bowl to the whole family, not to mention how enjoyable it is to drink! The chicken soup is delicious and rich, and the most important thing is that it is rich in nutrients. It is more suitable for the elderly and children. The chicken is not expensive. It is recommended that everyone try it more.

Stewing chicken soup sounds really simple. What many people do is to clean the chicken, blanch it, and then add water to stew it directly. In fact, this is the wrong method. It is most taboo to stew chicken soup directly by adding water. If you want the soup to be rich and fragrant, without fishy smell, and nutritious, you must do two key steps.

[Chicken Stew]

Ingredients required: chicken, red dates, wolfberry, yam, ginger, salt, cooking oil

1. Prepare a chicken, rinse it after taking it home, then prepare a basin of water, and pour all the chicken Go in and leave it to soak for 1 hour.

2. After soaking the chicken, the fishy smell has basically disappeared, and the meat is very tender. The stewed soup must be very delicious. Many people may say, isn't blanching the same thing? It can also remove the fishy smell. In fact, if you do the soaking step more, the blanching step can be completely ignored. Blanching will easily make the chicken go bad.

3. Wash the soaked chicken in water again several times, drain it and set aside for later use. Wash the red dates and wolfberries, slice the ginger and set aside. Peel the yam in running water to prevent allergies. Peel and cut into hob pieces. It is best to soak it in water, so that it is not easy to oxidize and turn black.

4. Heat the oil in a pan, just add a little oil. After it is hot, pour the chicken in and stir-fry briefly. , stir-fry until it changes color, pour in the ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. After frying it like this and then stewing it, the flavor will be more fragrant. After frying it until the surface changes color, we pour water into it and start stewing it.

5. After the fire is boiled, turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour, then add the yam and red dates, and then simmer for another half hour. After the time is up, put the wolfberry in, then season with an appropriate amount of salt, and continue to simmer for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and remove from the pot.


When stewing chicken soup, do not add water directly to stew, but also do two key steps. First, the chicken must be put into clean water in advance and soaked. Second, the chicken needs to be stir-fried in the pot first, and then add water. stew.