On a summer morning, standing by the water, it feels slightly cool. I put some fish meat in the net I lowered last night. The smell of this food is enough to attract the passing crayfish, and they get into the net obediently. Crayfish that have not been fed with feed vary in size

On a summer morning, standing by the water, it feels slightly cool. I put some fish meat in the net I lowered last night. The smell of this food is enough to attract the passing crayfish, and they get into the net obediently. Crayfish that have not been fed with feed vary in size, but they are all lively and energetic. Such crayfish have the most delicious meat.

Cleaning the crayfish net

is definitely the most painful stage of the crayfish dish. You have to remove the head and tail one by one, brush them clean one by one, and finally wash them with water many times until the water for washing the lobsters becomes clear. I was just wondering, are the crayfish at the barbecue stall really cleaned?

Cleaned crayfish

I like spicy crayfish dishes. I heard that there is a place where they steam the crayfish directly and then dip them in the juice to eat them. At first glance, it seems to be a dishonorable way of life. It is too rough. First stir-fry the washed crayfish dry, then add oil again. When the oil is slightly hot, add an appropriate amount of marinade and dried chili according to your own taste. When the marinade is fragrant, add crayfish again, add half a bottle of beer, and an appropriate amount. Salt, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, oysters, boiling water, simmer for 20 minutes, wait for it to come out...

Braised Crayfish

Finally, a pot of crayfish with full color, flavor and flavor is ready, enjoy it slowly...

So , every process involves the existence of people and shrimps. Watching a pot of crayfish jump from being alive to lying in the pot with fragrance, it is like an ups and downs of life, sometimes reaching the peak, sometimes falling into the trough, "So many things in ancient and modern times, It’s all a joke.” It’s better to calm down and slowly experience the process of food. In this way, what others eat is delicious food, and what you taste is life.