Hello everyone, I am nutritionist Konggu Aliang. Today I will talk about food. Today I will teach you how to make summer health tea. Today’s theme is: making ginger rice tea. Now let’s get into the topic. Today I will teach you how to make ginger rice tea: to drive away the cold.

Hello everyone, I am nutritionist Konggu Aliang, Let’s talk about food today, and today I will teach you how to make summer health tea. Today’s topic is:

How to make ginger rice tea , now enter the topic,

will teach you today Make ginger rice tea: it can dispel cold and dampness and strengthen the spleen. A cup every day has many benefits. The detailed steps for making ginger rice tea are as follows: Prepare a bowl of rice that has been washed and dried. There is no special ratio between ginger and rice. It depends on the individual. To add flavor, first cut the washed ginger into slices or shreds. It is best to cut into shreds. It is easy to fry and saves time.

If you don’t like ginger, you can leave it out. No need to put oil in the pot. Pour in the rice. Stir-fry slowly over low heat, stir-fry the rice until slightly brown, add shredded ginger, and continue to stir-fry. If you stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time in the summer, you can drink more. The taste will be fragrant. It is simple to make. Stir-fry the rice until it turns golden. Rice fragrant , after adding ginger, it has the effect of repelling cold and warming up the body. Stir-fried rice with ginger , it has the functions of clearing the intestines, scraping oil, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. It is especially suitable for potbelly, watery waist, moisture, coldness, sticky greasy, gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, retching, the whole process takes about 30 minutes, you must be patient in this step, the water in the ginger dries and turns brown, then cool it into a glass jar, scoop it out when you want to eat it Mix two spoons into boiling water and brew for three minutes before drinking.

If you have a slim belly, you can use rice to cook porridge every morning. It is also a very good choice. Just take it after learning. You can freely use it according to your own body, just grasp it well. During the stir-frying process, the starch and protein of the rice are carbonized, which has a very strong adsorption force, which can clean the intestines and scrape the oil, which is beneficial to weight loss and fat reduction. This method is very practical and can be done in life. You can use it freely according to your own body. Just grasp it well. Learn some health knowledge for a few minutes a day, be your own health doctor, and stay away from drug harm. Natural medicine , take happiness as a gift and give it to those who know how to cherish it.

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