When the hot summer hits, even young people will feel tired and weak, let alone middle-aged men. Compared with women, men have a faster metabolism, so it is inevitable to eat more nutritious foods. Today Ronger is here to share with you 6 kinds of foods that are very suitable for

When the hot summer hits, even young people will feel tired and weak, let alone middle-aged men. Compared with women, men have faster metabolism, so it is inevitable to eat more nutritious foods. Today Ronger is here to share with you 6 kinds of foods that are very suitable for men to help you be energetic and the more you eat, the healthier you will be.

The first one: Beef

Recommended recipe [ Beef Brisket Stewed with Tomatoes and Potatoes]

Ingredients: One pound of beef brisket, 2 tomatoes, 1 potato, 1 Carrot, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 Spoon oyster sauce, 2 star anise, 3 bay leaves, 2 fragrant sand, 4 slices of ginger, 3 green onion segments, green onion knots, ginger slices, cooking wine, salt

1, first prepare a pound of beef brisket and cut it into pieces;

2, then start Boil the pot with cold water, add scallions, ginger slices, and cooking wine to remove the smell. After boiling, skim off the scum, take it out and drain the water and set aside;

3. Then prepare 2 tomatoes, cut them with a cross knife and soak them in water for 5 minutes;

It is better to peel them after scalding them, and tear them off gently.

4. Prepare a potato and a carrot, peel them first, then cut them into hob pieces, put them in a bowl and soak them in water to avoid oxidation and discoloration;

5. Then We heat the oil in a pan, add a small handful of rock sugar and stir-fry until the color becomes sugary. When the color in the pan starts to darken, pour in the beef brisket, then stir-fry until it gets coloured;

6. After 1 minute, add the tomatoes and stir-fry together until the soup is made. Start seasoning after simmering;

2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 2 star anise, 3 bay leaves, 2 fragrant sand, 4 slices of ginger, 3 green onions, 7. Stir well and add Bring a large bowl of boiling water to a boil, turn to low heat and continue to cook for an hour and a half;

8. It is really fragrant when the lid is opened. Then add potatoes and carrots and continue to cook for 15 minutes;

9. At this time, the potatoes and carrots are also cooked. When it's cooked, add a spoonful of salt to taste and turn off the heat. The fragrant tomato and potato stewed beef brisket is ready;

Scoop it out and put it in a small casserole. Continue to cook on low heat and eat while it is hot. So fragrant.

The soup is mellow, the beef brisket is cooked soft and delicious, the potatoes and carrots have also absorbed the soup, and taste rich and soft. A mouthful of meat and a mouthful of soup, the taste is sour and sweet, and it goes very well with rice.

The second type: Pork loin

Recommended recipe [fresh pepper kidney]

Ingredients: pork loin, pickled pepper, bamboo shoots, millet pepper, green peppercorns, garlic

1. Cut the pork loin into phoenix tail kidney and add ginger. Cook the cubes in a pot of boiling water and cooking wine, then take them out and set aside;

2. Cut the pickled pepper bamboo shoots into shreds, put them into the bottom of a basin, then spread the kidney flowers on the bamboo shoot shreds, and add spicy millet, green peppercorns, and garlic. At the end;

3, prepare another bowl: mix light soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, pepper oil, and sesame oil into a juice, stir well, pour it over and enjoy!

The third type: Pork liver

Recommended recipe [Pork Liver Stir-fried Cucumber]

Ingredients: Pork liver, cucumber, red pepper, shallot, salt, soy sauce

1. When you buy pork liver, you need to soak it in clean water to remove the blood and then slice it. Add appropriate amount of starch and ginger slices and marinate for 20 minutes to remove the fishy smell;

2. Rinse with clean water after marinating;

3. Prepare red pepper and cucumber, cut the red pepper into cubes and slice the cucumber;

4. Heat the pan with cold oil and add the green onions. , add the pork liver and stir-fry quickly until it changes color and then take it out of the pot;

5. Take another pot, add a little oil, add red pepper and cucumber slices and stir-fry to get a little water, add the pork liver, add a little salt, soy sauce and stir-fry evenly. It's time to take it out of the pan and put it on the plate.

The fourth type: hairtail

Recommended recipe [ Stewed hairtail with shredded radish ]

Ingredients: hairtail, dried red pepper, ginger, green onion, white radish, starch, Pixian bean paste, wine, soy sauce, appropriate amount of water, sugar, salt , chopped green onion

1. Remove the internal organs of the hairtail, clean it carefully, cut it into long sections of about 6 cm, drain the water and set aside;

2. Cut the dry red pepper into small sections, soak it in water for a while, then drain the water and set aside; cut off the ginger Cut the skin into shreds; cut the onions into finely chopped green onions;

3. Wash, peel and cut the white radish into thin strips;

4. Put the hairtail pieces into the starch and coat them with a thin layer of starch;

5. Pour oil into the pot and heat it When it is 70% hot, add the hairtail, fry one side and flip it over and fry again until the skin is crispy. Remove the oil and set aside;

6. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add shredded ginger and chili pepper segments and stir-fry until fragrant, add Pixian County Stir-fry the bean paste into red oil. Add the shredded radish and stir-fry evenly, add the fried hairtail, add cooking wine and soy sauce, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 3 minutes;

7, then add sugar to taste, and add a little salt as appropriate. When the soup is slightly dry over high heat, sprinkle with chopped green onion before serving, and the delicious radish ribbon fish is ready!

The fifth type: peanuts

Recommended recipe [Boiled Peanuts]

Peanuts are everywhere in our lives, and there are various cooking methods. Among them, the simplest and most delicious way is not only a frequent visitor on the wine table, but also a summer night market The must-have signature cold dish at the stall is boiled peanuts. On the one hand, peanuts are relatively affordable and taste very delicious. On the other hand, peanuts are also very nutritious;

Ingredients : 1 jin of fresh peanuts, green onions, ginger, 2 spoons of salt, half a spoon of five-spice powder, 2 star anise, 2 pieces of cinnamon, 1 handful of pepper

1, 1 jin of fresh peanuts. These are peanuts grown by our family. The particles are relatively full. Soak in water for 2 hours. In addition to being easier to taste, the soaked peanuts will also have a crunchy texture;

2. After soaking, the peanuts will become bulging and more hydrated;

3. Next we Let's cut some green onions and ginger slices

We first pour the peanuts into the casserole, and then add water, just enough to cover the peanuts;

4. Now let's season it: 2 spoons of salt, half a spoon of five-spice powder, 2 star anise2 Add pieces of cinnamon, 1 handful of peppercorns, ginger slices and green onions, cover with high heat and bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and continue to cook for 20 minutes;

5. Don’t rush to pour the boiled peanuts in the brine, we can soak them Leave it on for 2 hours to help the flavor

and then take it out and it will be very delicious. Our boiled peanuts are ready. It is simple and delicious to make;

tastes salty, crispy and refreshing, and can be used as a snack or as a snack. Wine dishes and pickles are super delicious, and cooked peanuts are especially easy to digest and absorb.

The sixth type: potatoes

Recommended recipe [Q-Potato Pancake]

Ingredients: 400 grams of yellow-skinned potatoes, a small piece of pork, an egg white, shiitake mushrooms, green peppers, red peppers, ginger, green onion, salt, 180 grams of potato starch, Onions and ginger, a spoonful of Pixian bean paste, light soy sauce, pepper

1. First peel the potatoes, 400 grams after peeling. Today I used yellow-skinned potatoes, which have more starch, slice them and steam them;

2. While the potatoes are steaming, let's prepare some side dishes. A small piece of pork, cut into strips, add an egg white and marinate for 20 minutes. Grab it with your hands to make the meat and egg white blend together better. The egg white can lock in the moisture of the meat.

3. Slice mushrooms, dice green peppers, dice red peppers, shred ginger, and cut some green onion;

4. Steam the potatoes and mash them while they are hot, then add some salt. , add 180 grams of potato starch after pounding until there are no potato particles, and knead it into a dough of moderate hardness (moderate softness and hardness means that it can be formed into a ball without cracking);

5. Take a small piece and knead it into a small ball and press it into a ball. To make pancakes, find a small bottle cap and press it into the middle. This is the shape of our potato pancakes today;

6. Boil the water before boiling it. After boiling, add some water and take it out after it floats. After cooling it for a while, it tastes stronger. Take it out and set it aside;

7. Pour oil into the hot pan and fry the pork first until the color of the pork turns white. Add onion, ginger, and a spoonful of Pixian bean paste. If you want to have a little sweet taste, use soybean paste, add mushrooms and stir-fry together. Boil a bowl of water, salt, light soy sauce, pepper, add potato pancakes, cover and continue cooking for a while;

8, soup When the juice is almost dry, add green and red peppers, stir-fry until the peppers are broken and then it is ready to serve. There are meat, mushrooms and pancakes. At this time, I really want to have a bowl of rice. The meat is the first to be cooked, but it tastes delicious. It's still tender, so it's best not to ignore the egg white step. The biscuits are already fully flavored and very chewy. It's no exaggeration to take one bite at a time!

is committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes and snacks with you. I am Ronger, and I will share a delicious dish with you every day. Learn to eat like this to make your stomach healthier! Welcome to like, follow, forward and collect, thank you for your support! See you next time.