Since I learned how to make dough, I have made big buns with kidney beans and meat twice. Every time I make them, I try to remember how I made them last time. I searched and looked them up. Now I record them and give everyone a reference. I like eating steamed buns. Let’s try it

Since I learned how to make dough, I have made large flat kidney bean meat buns twice. Every time I make it, I try to remember the last recipe. I searched and looked it up. Now I record it and give everyone a reference. I like to eat it. Friends who are bun lovers, let’s try it together!

First prepare the ingredients: 500 grams of flour, 250 ml of warm water at about 30 degrees, 5 grams of yeast, and a small spoonful of sugar. 500 grams of flat kidney beans, about 500 grams of hind leg meat (with more fat), a large bowl of pepper water, onions, ginger, thirteen spices, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oil, salt, sesame oil, and peanut oil.

Dough making steps: Pour the yeast into warm water of about 30 degrees, add sugar, stir evenly, then pour into the flour, stir with chopsticks while pouring water, then knead into a ball, cover with plastic wrap, it is best to put some on top. Put the lid on the pot and let it rise under the sun on the balcony for half an hour (this step also applies to steamed steamed buns).

Steps for adjusting the stuffing: Cut off the heads and tails of the lentils, add boiling water, cook for about 5 minutes, remove, cut into shreds, and chop a few times, but don't chop too much. Soak the hind leg meat in water and chop it into pieces. Brew more than 10 Sichuan peppercorns with hot water, let cool and filter out the Sichuan peppercorns for later use. Put peanut oil in the pot, heat the oil and pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, then pour in the pepper water, simmer for a while, take it out and let it cool for later use. Mix the cut flat kidney bean stuffing and meat stuffing evenly, then pour in the boiled pepper water in batches, stir vigorously, then add onions, ginger, thirteen spices, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, and salt, stir well, and finally Add sesame oil to enhance flavor and lock in moisture.

Steps for making steamed buns: Take out the proofed noodles, knead them to deflate the air, cut them into evenly sized pieces (about 10 pieces per pound of noodles), roll them into thin and even dough, add the meat filling, and pinch pleats as you like. As long as it can be wrapped up [cover your face], after wrapping it, put it in a basket and let it rest for about 20 minutes. It will swell as you can see it with the naked eye!

Steps for steaming steamed buns: Put the twice-proofed buns into the pot. Don’t put too many in one pot. Don’t put them along the edge of the pot. Stay away from the edge of the pot. Steam over medium-high heat for about 20 minutes. Turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Once out of the pan, you will be able to eat big and fragrant steamed buns [laughs]

The steamed buns made for the first time are still delicious.

Notes: 1. The temperature of the water for melting the yeast must not be too hot. Otherwise, the yeast will be burned to death and the dough will not rise!

2. The meat filling must be filled with more water and stirred vigorously, otherwise the buns will be very dry after coming out of the pot, affecting the taste!

3. After the buns are wrapped, they must be proofed a second time before being steamed. Otherwise, it is very likely that the steamed buns will not be soft enough or hard after being cooked due to incomplete proofing!

learned this, no matter it is steamed buns or steamed buns with any fillings, there is no need to ask anyone. I typed it by hand from memory. If you like it, please like, comment and save it!