In summer, eat less big fish, meat, and fried foods, and eat more vegetables rich in vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals. Humans are advanced animals that thrive on food. You should eat foods of the season when it comes. Now is the time. It's summer, and there are many vegetabl

Eat less big fish and meat in summer, Fried food, and eat more vegetables rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. Humans are advanced animals born with food. When it comes to the season, we should eat the food of the season. , now is the summer, there are many choices of vegetables, abundant production, and various varieties. You can buy them for stir-frying, stuffing, and cold salad. they are fresh and nutritious at the right time.

There are still a few days left before the dog days begin. The dog days are the hottest period of the year, lasting about 30-40 days. This period is the most difficult . I am low in energy, often sleepy, and have no energy. Appetite , I feel no appetite for anything. There is a common saying among the people: "Dumplings on the head and noodles on the other". Eating dumplings every three weeks can effectively open up the appetite and promote appetite.

Dumplings are a common food in daily life. There are meat fillings and vegetarian fillings. The fragrant taste can instantly whet your appetite. . Simply pair them with a sauce. Add sesame seeds sesame oil, balsamic vinegar and chili oil. Eat it in one meal. Three plates, never give up until you’re full. What fillings should you choose to make dumplings in summer? These five "champion" vegetables are the first choice. is highly seasonal and fresh and nutritious at the right time.

Zucchini is a common vegetable in summer. It has a fragrant and delicious taste. It is rich in vitamin C and glucose , etc., especially high in calcium. The skin is thin, the flesh is thick, the juice is rich, it can be meat or vegetable, and it can relieve troubles. It has the effect of quenching thirst, clearing away heat and diuresis.

Zucchini stuffed dumplings - calcium supplement champion

Ingredients: flour, zucchini, eggs, chopped green onion

Seasoning: thirteen spices, sesame oil, light soy sauce, salt, oyster sauce

1, Prepare 500 grams of flour, pour it into a basin, and add 240- Pour about 250 grams of water into the while stirring, so that the flour absorbs water and stirs into dough, then start kneading the dough.

2. The dough for making dumplings only requires flour and water. Knead it until the basin is light, the surface is light, and the hands are light. is ready. It feels moderately soft and hard. Cover the pot with a lid or plastic wrap and let it go. Let the dough rest for half an hour.

3. Next, deal with the filling part. Prepare a medium-sized zucchini. Clean it without scraping. The outer skin also contains nutrients. Use a grater to grate it into thin strips. Add a spoonful of salt , stir evenly, and marinate. Make for about 20 minutes.

4. Why do you need to marinate it? Because zucchini is rich in juice, if the water is not squeezed out in advance, the filling will be exposed and the dumplings will not be shaped. Pour out the pickled water , and then squeeze off the excess water before seasoning.

5. Cut the zucchini into two halves, put it into a basin, put in the chopped eggs that have been fried in advance, and add sesame sesame oil, salt, light soy sauce, thirteen spices, and oyster sauce in order according to your personal taste. Stir the chopped green onion and evenly.

6. The stuffing prepared in this way is very delicious. Zucchini does not need messy seasoning. Thirteen spices are the key. Many people are not used to this taste, but they do not know that it is a perfect match with zucchini, fragrant and delicious.

7. Arrange the dough, roll it into a long strip, divide it into equal portions, roll it out into dumpling wrappers, and wrap them all into dumplings. No matter how you do it, make sure the filling is not exposed. Boil water and put it in the pot. After cooking, take it out and eat.

8. Simply pair it with a dipping sauce. Add an appropriate amount of balsamic vinegar and sesame oil in the bowl. If you like spicy food, add some chili oil and eat while dipping. It is delicious, refreshing and appetizing. It is suitable for all ages, even children. Enjoy your meal without any stress .

Skills Summary

1. When mixing dumpling wrappers with dough, only water and flour are enough. Since each type of flour has different water absorption, if the water content fluctuates by a few grams, it won’t be a big problem.

2. Zucchini needs to be dehydrated in advance to force out the internal moisture, and then be squeezed and cut as many times as you like. Otherwise, the juice will easily flow out later, causing the dumplings to be unshaped and the skin to break and the filling to be exposed.

3. In addition to eggs, zucchini can also be topped with black fungus, vermicelli and dried shrimps, which not only adds flavor and freshness, but also enriches the taste.

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