Hello everyone, my name is Xiangxiang. I share different home-cooked meals every day. If you are struggling with what to eat every day, please follow me. The dog days of summer are approaching, and the temperature is getting higher and higher. At this time, you sweat a lot and if

Hello everyone, my name is Xiangxiang. I share different home-cooked meals every day. If you are struggling with what to eat every day, please follow me.

The dog days of summer are approaching, and the temperature is getting higher and higher. At this time, you sweat a lot, and if you don’t replenish water in time, it is easy to suffer from heat stroke. Today I recommend Liudao home-cooked soup that clears away heat, relieves summer heat and replenishes water. It is very simple to make and is loved by both adults and children.

The first course: lotus seed, lily and mung bean soup

Prepare the ingredients : mung beans, lotus seeds, fresh lily, and rock sugar.


1. Soak mung beans for three hours in advance, and then clean them. Lotus seeds and lilies are also cleaned. Remember to remove the core from the lotus seeds, otherwise they will become bitter.

2. Put the mung beans and lotus seeds into a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour after the water boils.

3. When the time is up, add fresh lilies and rock sugar and continue to simmer for 15 minutes. It's ready to eat right out of the pan.

The second course: mushroom, cucumber and egg soup

Prepare ingredients: cucumber, seafood mushroom, eggs, chopped green onion, salt, cooking oil, pepper.


1. Wash the surface of the cucumber with salt and starch, rinse it clean, and cut it into round slices.

2. Clean the seafood mushrooms and cut them into sections for later use.

3. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and mix well. Set aside.

4. Heat the oil in a pan, add the egg liquid and cook until cooked. Dish out and set aside.

5. Leave oil in the pot, add cucumber slices and stir-fry for a few times, then pour in boiling water. After the water boils, add seafood mushrooms and eggs and cook for three minutes.

6. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt, stir evenly and serve.

The third course: Luffa, mushrooms and beef soup

Prepare ingredients: Luffa, beef, mushrooms, minced onions and garlic, salt, cooking oil, pepper, starch.


1. Wash and cut the beef into slices, add starch and cooking oil, mix well and marinate for ten minutes.

2. Peel the loofah and cut into hob pieces. Wash and cut the mushrooms into slices.

3. Heat the oil in a pan, add the minced onions and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the mushrooms and loofah and stir-fry until soft. Add an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil.

4. Pour in the marinated beef, stir it up with chopsticks, cook until the beef changes color, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper, stir evenly and taste, and then serve.

Course 4: Winter Melon and Corn Meatball Soup

Prepare ingredients: Winter melon, corn, Beef meatballs, chopped green onion, salt, and black pepper.


1. Peel the winter melon and cut into slices, wash the corn and chop into small pieces.

2. Heat oil in a pan, add chopped green onions and stir-fry until fragrant, add slices of winter melon and stir-fry for a few times, then add appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil.

3. Add corn and beef balls, cook until beef balls float, add appropriate amount of salt and black pepper to taste and serve.

Course 5: Winter Melon and Flower Armor Soup

Prepare ingredients: Winter melon, flower armor, chopped green onion, shredded ginger, salt, cooking oil, and pepper.


1. Peel the winter melon and cut into slices. Soak the sixty-year-old beetles in salt water and spit out sand, then clean them, and finally scrub the shell with a brush.

2. Boil water in a pot, blanch the scallops under cold water, add green onion and ginger to remove the fishy smell, cook until the scallops open, then remove and set aside.

3. Heat oil in a pan, add shredded ginger and chopped green onion and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in appropriate amount of water. When the water boils, add in scallops and winter melon, cover and simmer for about 5 minutes.

4. Finally, add chopped green onion, salt and pepper to taste and serve.

Course Six: Luffa and Fresh Mushroom Soup

Prepare ingredients: Luffa, seafood mushrooms, eggs, wolfberry, shredded ginger, salt, cooking oil, pepper.


1. Peel the loofah and cut into hob pieces. Remove the roots of the seafood mushrooms, wash and cut into two sections. Break the eggs into a bowl and stir well for later use.

2. Heat oil in a pan, pour in the egg liquid and cook until cooked. Dish out and set aside.

3. Leave some oil in the pot, add the loofah and stir-fry for half a minute, then pour in appropriate amount of water and shredded ginger.

4. After the water boils, boil the loofah for one minute, then add the seafood mushrooms and eggs, continue to cook for about 3 minutes, add salt and pepper to taste, then add the wolfberry and it is ready to serve.

The six home-cooked soups shared above are simple to make and can be understood by any kitchen novice at a glance. It’s easy to get angry in the hot summer, so drink more soup to replenish water and clear away heat. Follow Xiangxiang and share different home-cooked dishes every day!