When buying pork belly, should you choose pork belly or pork belly? Keep these 3 key points in mind, your boss won’t dare to fool you! Pork has finally returned to the "1" price, which is really good news for us ordinary people. If Chinese people’s love for pork ranks second, the

When buying pork belly, should you choose pork belly or pork belly? Keep these 3 key points in mind, your boss won’t dare to fool you!

Pork has finally returned to the "1" price, which is really good news for us ordinary people. If Chinese people’s love for pork ranks second, then no one would dare to rank it first. From ancient times to the present, pork has been a "hard dish" on the table on important banquet occasions. If it is missing, then this banquet will definitely not be considered grand.

It is precisely because pork is very important to Chinese people that to this day, one of people's three meals a day must be meat. For example, if Bao Ma has two growing children at home, pork can help to supplement enough protein, amino acids and mineral elements. Besides, the price of more than ten yuan per kilogram is compared to the price of beef, which is fifty yuan. Pork can be called a "civilian meat price."

Speaking of pork, then pork belly has to be mentioned. Pork belly is a very popular ingredient, and it can be found in the eight major cuisines of and . Especially during the New Year and festivals, it is even more indispensable. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. I wonder if you have started preparing the vegetable feast in advance. Today I would like to share with you some tips on buying pork belly. When buying pork belly, should you choose top pork belly or bottom pork belly? Keep these 3 key points in mind, your boss won’t dare to fool you!

Pork belly, also known as rib meat , three-layer meat, refers to the meat on the belly of the pig. There is a lot of fat tissue here, and it is also mixed with muscle tissue. Fat and lean meat are suitable, so it is called pork belly. Pork belly is one of the most delicious parts of the pig. The fat melts easily when heated, and has a fat but not greasy texture that melts in your mouth. The lean meat in this part is the most tender and juicy part of the body, and it will not taste bad after being cooked for a long time. Therefore, our Chinese people love to eat dishes made from pork belly. For example, braised pork with dried vegetables , braised pork , Dongpo pork , steamed pork with rice flour and so on.

is also pork belly. Because of the different positions, it is divided into upper pork belly and lower pork belly. Not only do they have different names, they also have different structures and tastes.

Compared with the lower pork belly, the upper pork belly has fewer layers, and the taste is naturally not as good as the lower pork belly. But if it's pork belly, it's different. It has rich layers, is fat and lean, and has the best taste. Generally, there are three layers of pork belly, all located in the lower part of the pork belly. If you are looking for ten-layer pork belly, you can only find it at Xia Pork Belly.

So what is the structure of the five-layered three-layer structure? The first layer is pork skin; the second layer is fat meat; the third layer is thin lean meat; the fourth layer is fat meat; and the fifth layer is thicker lean meat. The best grade of pork belly is ten-layer pork belly. However, because many pigs are now artificially fed and have not been raised outdoors, it is difficult to buy ten-layer pork belly. However, if you encounter pork belly with more than five layers, it is also good.

Three key points when purchasing pork belly:

1. Do not choose pork belly with less than 5 layers. The reasons have been mentioned before, and the main reason is that the taste is really bad. Therefore, you might as well count the number of layers carefully when purchasing. If one layer exceeds five layers, they basically contain pork belly. You can’t go wrong with it.

2. Do not choose pork belly that is white in color. Naturally, the fresher the pork belly, the better, but in the market, you can often see frozen or water-filled pork belly. The flesh looks watery at first glance and feels wet to the touch. The color also looks much paler. If you come across pork belly like this, don’t buy it no matter how cheap it is.

3. Don’t choose pork belly that smells strange. It's summer now, the weather is hot, and meat can easily go bad. You might as well smell it when buying it. If it has a peculiar smell, it's best not to choose it.