After a lapse of six years, the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" has been revised for the fourth time. There are countless types of dairy products on the market. How can we choose the one that suits us and is cost-effective among the dazzling array of dairy products?

After 6 years, the " Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" ushered in the fourth revision. Based on scientific and reasonable dietary principles, combined with national dietary patterns and objective data analysis, it is recommended that residents consume 300 to 500 grams of milk and dairy products every day.

There are countless types of dairy products on the market. How can we choose the one that suits us and is cost-effective among the dazzling array of dairy products?

Nutrition standards

In accordance with "GB 28050-2011 National Food Safety Standard General Principles for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods", nutrition labels are part of the label of prepackaged foods. Core nutrients in nutrition labels include energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates and sodium.

Common dairy classifications and characteristics

The ingredients list is a one-by-one display of product ingredients, sorted according to the amount added. The only ingredients are "raw milk", and the protein content is greater than 2.9g/100ml. This category is the most recommended.

As for " milk drink ", it is made from raw milk, water, sugar, various juices, coffee, etc. It has low nutritional value and high sugar content. It is not recommended for everyone to buy and drink.

Dairy Product Questions and Answers

Should the choice of pasteurized milk or room temperature milk vary from person to person?

Pasteurized milk retains more nutrients, but it needs to be refrigerated at low temperatures. Without low-temperature protection, the quality of the milk may be reduced, and consumption by people with poor gastrointestinal problems may cause diarrhea. Room-temperature milk is completely sterilized and loses more nutrients, but it has a long shelf life and is easy to carry. Therefore, different groups of people have different needs, which correspond to different milk choices.

The higher the protein content, the better, and the lower the fat content, the better?

Generally speaking, the protein and fat content on the packaging are a reflection of the inherent quality of milk. High protein content means that milk has high nutritional density and can absorb more high-quality protein, so the price is naturally relatively high. For a cup of milk, the protein fluctuation value is about 1g, which is only equivalent to 1/6 of the protein content of an egg, so the choice is in the hands of consumers.

Compared with other dairy products, milk has a higher fat content, which means that its flavor and taste will be more popular. If you follow the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents and drink 300 grams of whole milk every day, calculated based on the fat content of 3.1%, the fat intake through milk will be 9.3 grams; if you switch to skim milk, calculated based on the fat content of 0.5%, approximately Eat 1.5 grams of fat. Therefore, replacing whole milk with skim milk reduces fat by 7.8 grams, which is less than 1 tablespoon of cooking oil. If the fat in milk is removed, more than 85% of fat-soluble vitamins will be lost. Not only will it not achieve the effect of weight loss, but also the intake of important vitamins will be lost. The gain outweighs the gain. Therefore, for people with chronic metabolic diseases For patients, be sure to follow your doctor's advice when choosing such drinks.

Is the so-called organic milk really more nutritious and healthier than ordinary milk?

organic milk is a pure natural, additive-free and pollution-free milk produced according to the organic standard production model. The emphasis is on quality control throughout the entire process, and the use of synthetic chemicals such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, growth regulators, feed additives, and food additives is strictly prohibited, as they are much safer. In addition, the cost is high, the output is low, and the price is inevitably high. But it should be noted that organic does not mean that the nutrient content is necessarily higher, nor does it mean that the flavor is stronger than other milks.

What should I do if I am lactose intolerant ?

For people who are lactose intolerant, yogurt or low-lactose milk products should be preferred, such as Shuhua milk, low-lactose milk, yogurt, cheese and other products. In addition, since milk passes through the gastrointestinal tract for a short time on an empty stomach, the lactose in it cannot be well absorbed by the small intestine and enters the large intestine quickly, which can aggravate the symptoms of lactose intolerance. cereals and other methods to reduce adverse reactions. However, people with milk protein allergies should avoid drinking milk.

Precautions for drinking dairy products

1. It is not recommended to drink milk on an empty stomach.Milk stays in the stomach for a short time on an empty stomach, which will affect the digestion and absorption of milk, so it is best to drink it while eating food.

2. Drinking small amounts of milk several times a day is more effective than drinking a large amount at once, allowing the body to absorb more calcium.

3. The appropriate daily intake is 300g of pure milk, 300g of yogurt, 37.5g of milk powder, and 30g of dry cheese.

4. Normal temperature is 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. It is not advisable to drink it directly after taking it out of the refrigerator, as it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. It is also not advisable to cook it at high temperature for a long time to avoid destroying nutrients.

5. Do not drink raw milk that has not been sterilized or homogenized. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas, fungi, etc. originating from the environment, as well as zoonotic pathogenic bacteria such as Brucella and Mycobacterium tuberculosis originating from animals can contaminate raw milk. , if sterilization is insufficient, it is easy to cause the spread of zoonotic diseases.

Source: Hangzhou Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Editor/Proofreader: Du Zhaoxia

Preliminary review: Zhang Yao

Final review: Zhao Min