Introduction: Because of this cake roll, I became famous in the community. The sales were so popular that my mother asked me to open a shop on the same spot. It was the season for blueberries. The price of blueberries is so cheap recently. A box that usually sells for more than t

Introduction: Because of this cake roll , I became famous in the community, and the sales were so popular that my mother asked me to open a store in the same place.

It is the season of blueberries . The price of blueberries is so cheap recently, usually selling for more than ten yuan a piece. You can buy a box of it for five or six yuan now, and it tastes very sweet. Blueberries are not only delicious, but also highly nutritious. The anthocyanins in blueberries can promote the regeneration of rhodopsin in retinal cells, prevent severe myopia and retinal detachment, improve vision and accelerate the regeneration of rhodopsin, thus enabling Protect eyes and enhance vision. Children nowadays like to look at electronic products, so you should give them more blueberries to protect their eyes.

bought a few extra boxes of blueberries. The extra ones were used to make jam and make delicious blueberry cake rolls, which the whole family loved. The child gave it to his classmates in the community. After tasting it, the classmates' mothers liked it very much and wanted to come to me to place an order. Today I will share the recipe. If you like desserts, you must try it~

[Blueberry Cream Roll]

Blueberry jam: 350 grams of blueberries, 80 grams of fine sugar, a little lemon juice

Cake body: 4 eggs, 40 grams of milk , 40 grams of corn oil, 60 grams of fine sugar, 55 grams of low-gluten flour, 3 grams of bamboo charcoal powder, 180 grams of whipping cream, 10 grams of fine sugar, 50 grams of blueberry jam

Cut the blueberries in half, add fine sugar and marinate for half an hour, lower heat Simmer until thickened, pour in lemon juice and simmer for half a minute before serving. You can put it into a clean glass jar and use it as you like.

Mix the corn oil and milk evenly, sift the low-gluten flour and bamboo charcoal powder into the milk and mix evenly. Separate the yolks from the eggs and add them to the batter and mix evenly.

Add the fine sugar into the egg whites in two batches and beat until short curved hooks appear in the final state. Add 1/3 into the egg yolk paste and mix well.

Pour it back into the original meringue and mix well. Do not stir in circles as it will defoaming easily.

Place silicone mat on the gold plate. Pour the batter into the silicone mat and smooth it out to remove air bubbles.

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees with upper and lower heat. Place the cake batter into the middle and lower layers of the oven and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the mold when it is warm to your hands.

Unmold with the right side facing up, cut off the tail diagonally, add the light cream and sugar and beat until it reaches 80%, pour in the blueberry jam, mix well at low speed and beat until hard, apply it on the cake body, and use a rolling pin to help roll it up.

Put it in the refrigerator to set for 2-3 hours, then take it out and cut it into pieces. Decorate it with cream, blueberry jam, fresh blueberries. The super-looking blueberry cream roll is ready~ Share it with your family, besties, and friends. Great~ Come and learn~ Welcome to submit your homework in the message area!