Hunan food is known to be spicy in everyone’s mind, but for those who love spicy food, it’s really great. As a true Hunanese, I really enjoy everything. I will share the delicious Hunan dishes I ate in the future!

Hunan cuisine is generally considered spicy, but it is really delicious for those who love spicy food. As a true Hunanese, I really enjoy everything. I will share the delicious Hunan dishes I ate in the future!

1. Flavored shrimp

Ingredients preparation: 5 pounds of crayfish, ginger garlic, millet pepper, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, hot pot ingredients, beer

Production method:

1. Wash the crayfish and remove the shrimp lines, put it in the pot Add cooking oil, when the oil is hot, put the crayfish into the pot and fry until golden brown, remove and set aside.

2. Add oil to the pot, add a piece of hot pot base and stir-fry until fragrant + bay leaves + star anise + millet pepper + minced garlic, then add the crayfish and stir-fry.

3. Put water and half a bottle of beer into the pot, add salt, light soy sauce and oil, simmer for 5 minutes, and finally use high heat to reduce the juice. If you like cilantro, sprinkle with cilantro.

[Rose] If you don’t like spicy food, you can use less of it. If you have perilla and , you can also use it to make it more delicious!

2. Sauerkraut and minced meat

Ingredients preparation: Cabbage , pork, minced ginger and garlic, chopped green onion, millet and pepper mint, white vinegar, salt, very fresh flavor, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce

Production method:

1, pickled cabbage : Wash and drain the cabbage, put it in a pickle container, add 8 tablespoons of vinegar and salt, cool it until the cabbage is covered, and place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

2. Cut the pickled cabbage into small pieces and set aside.

3. Add hot oil to the pot, stir-fry the minced pork, add minced ginger, garlic, cabbage, millet spicy and stir-fry until fragrant, then add salt, very fresh flavor, vinegar, oyster sauce, and dark soy sauce and stir-fry. After serving, sprinkle with chopped green onions and serve.

​[Rose] If you like sour food, you can add a little more vinegar

3. Fish head with chopped pepper

Ingredients preparation: One fish head, ginger, green onion, chopped pepper, salt

Preparation method:

1, wash the fish head After the fish body is cut, add a little salt, cooking wine and ginger to marinate to remove the fishy smell.

2. Add chopped pepper to half of the fish, and the other half to spicy sauce. Steam for 15 minutes and then top with steamed fish and black beans.

3. Pour chopped green onion and hot oil on it and it’s ready to eat.

​[Rose] You can chop the chili peppers on both sides. The salt has already been put in when marinating, and the rest is not needed.