To buy fish in summer, people who know how to choose these 5 kinds of fish, the meat is thick and the spines are less nutritious, and the family loves to eat expensive.

If you eat fish in summer, you can buy these 5 kinds. The meat is thick and thorns are low in nutrients and high in nutrition. Old fishermen love to eat them. The price is worth it. The coastal residents who live near the sea are really happy because they can eat a lot of seafood. Besides, there are also a lot of fresh rivers. Our family likes to eat fish. Basically, we eat fish at least 3 times a week. The fishermen at the seaside prefer it. Eating sea fish, every summer is also fishing season is closed time: from 12:00 on May 1st to 12:00 on August 16th, but there are still a lot of refrigerated frozen sea fish for sale in the market, although it is a fishing ban period, there are still many Fish can be purchased, but the price is slightly more expensive. To eat fish in summer, knowledgeable people and some old fishermen will choose some fish that are more plump in season, with thick meat and less spines and high nutrition. Next, I will share 5 kinds of fish that are suitable for eating in summer. When buying fish in summer, people who know how to choose these 5 kinds of fish specially. The meat is thick and thorns are low in nutrition and high in nutrition.

1, Liyu ( Yellow-legged )

Yellow-legged Li is a marine fish belonging to the genus Seabream family Acanthopanax genus, and our locals also call it Liyu, its official name is the two long seabream, produced in the South my country Sea and China. In the southern part of the East China Sea, the main producing areas are in Beibu Gulf and Leizhou Peninsula. The appearance of this kind of marine fish is very similar to tilapia and crucian carp, but the nutrition and taste are still very different. Of course, the price is a bit more expensive. It is very convenient to eat. Standing fish is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements. It is a very delicious, nutritious and healthy fish. It can be steamed, braised, and fried. It is very good.

Recommended recipe: Pan-fried yellow-legged standing fish

1. Clean the fresh standing fish and marinate it with coarse salt. Wash the marinated fish and wash off the coarse salt on the surface to prevent it from being too salty.

2, heat the pot, heat more oil from the family until it is smoking, so that the sides of the pot are covered with oil (this step is to fry the pan, so that the fried fish will not stick to the pan and will not break the skin), then pour out the hot oil and add a little In cold oil, fry the fish until golden brown on both sides.

3. The fried standing fish can be eaten with a little soy sauce or a little green orange juice. It is very delicious and appetizing.

2, Turbot

Turbot is turbot , also known as European flounder , the shape of this fish is flat, and its appearance is not the same as ordinary fish, with thick and tender muscles, white meat, and bone spurs It has a small amount of nutrients, a comprehensive nutritional composition, and a very delicious taste, which is deeply loved by diners. In addition to being rich in protein and trace elements, the human body essential amino acids contained in turbot are both complete and well-balanced, and are more easily absorbed by the human body. Eating has a very good moisturizing effect on the skin and beauty. There are also many ways to eat turbot, generally steamed, braised, and stewed in sauce, all of which have their own flavors.

Recommended recipe: Steamed turbot

1 After the fish is cleaned, cut it with a knife, apply a little salt on both sides, and then smear it with onion and ginger water to marinate it to remove the fishy smell and increase the fragrance.

2. Add water to the pot and boil, steam the fish for 8 minutes (according to the size of the fish) after the pot is on the gas, remove the juice from the steamed fish.

3. Prepare some shredded red pepper, shredded green onion and shredded ginger, soak them in water, put them on the surface of the steamed fish, drizzle with hot oil, and then drizzle an appropriate amount of steamed fish soy sauce.

3, sweet-scented osmanthus fish( mandarin fish)

The sweet-scented osmanthus fish here generally refers to mandarin fish, which belongs to freshwater fish. The meat of this fish is tender and delicious, with less spines and more meat, and rich nutrition In the Tang Dynasty, there were poets Zhang Zhi and who praised mandarin fish in the poem "Peach Blossom Flowing Water Mandarin Fish Fat". It can be seen that mandarin fish has been one of the most popular fish since ancient times. Very popular with diners. This fish is not high in calories and is rich in antioxidants, so girls who love beauty and are afraid of fat can also enjoy it with confidence. There are also many ways to eat mandarin fish. Steaming is the most authentic way to eat it. It can also be braised or grilled. It is very delicious.

Recommended recipe: Steamed sweet-scented osmanthus fish (mandarin fish)

1. Wash the fresh mandarin fish, cut a flower knife, and rub it evenly on the fish with refined salt, pickled and delicious.

2, marinated and delicious fish, add green onion and ginger to match, steam in boiling water for 10 minutes, the fish will be fully cooked with protruding eyes.

3. Remove the juice from the onion, ginger and steamed fish. Then add shredded green onion, shredded ginger, and shredded red pepper, drizzle with hot oil, and then drizzle with steamed soy sauce (soy sauce mixed with soy sauce and sugar).

4, white pomfret

pomfret is divided into two types, one is white pomfret, and the other is golden pomfret . Compared with white pomfret, the taste is better, and the meat quality is newer and more tender. Of course, the price is more expensive. The white pomfret is okay, the bigger the white pomfret, the more expensive it is. The body color of this fish is silvery white, the upper part is slightly blue-gray, and the extreme side is flat and slightly diamond-shaped. There is no small fishbone, the meat is very tender and rich in nutrients, rich in protein and various minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and so on. Eating more for the elderly and children can also enhance the body’s immunity and strengthen the muscles and bones.The fresh steamed white pomfret is the most delicious way to eat, and it can also be cooked in soup, braised and so on.

Recommended recipe: Steamed white pomfret

1, the fish is cleaned and cleaned, and the knife is smeared with a little salt to marinate and taste.

2, steam in a pot over boiling water, and add a little onion and ginger to remove the fishy smell and increase the fragrance. Steam over high heat for 7 minutes.

3. Sprinkle chopped green onion or shredded green onion out of the pan, drizzle with hot oil, pour over steamed soy sauce and enjoy.

5, small yellow croaker

small yellow croaker is also called small yellow croaker, and there is a large yellow croaker, but the nutrition and taste are not as good as this kind of small yellow croaker, especially the wild small yellow croaker is quite expensive, This kind of fish also has no small fish bones, the meat is thick and tender, it is very convenient to eat, and its nutritional value is also high. It is rich in protein, sugar, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements, which have a very good nourishing effect on the body. . Small yellow croaker contains less fat and is composed of a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, making it one of the most nutritious and healthy fish. There are also many ways to eat, it can be steamed, braised, pan-fried or coated with starch and fried. It is very delicious.

Recommended recipe: Fried small yellow croaker

1, clean the small yellow croaker, add a little salt and onion ginger water and mix well to marinate and remove the fishy smell.

2. Prepare a little starch and water to make starch slurry. The marinated fish is coated with a thin layer of slurry and fried in a pan.

3. Fry until the surface of the fish is golden, crispy, and cooked. The small yellow croaker made in this way is golden and crispy on the outside, and the fish inside is tender and delicious, which is very delicious.

Selection of fish:

Basically, all fish are similar. When purchasing, choose fish with bright eyes, flooded body, and intact fish scales. Press it with your hand, the concave position will recover quickly, and the fish meat is elastic, and such fish are relatively fresh. If you find that the skin is dull and dull, and the flesh is softer when you press it, the fish is basically stale.

​Lily's Food Talks: The above are 6 kinds of very nutritious and healthy fish. Eat less meat with thick meat. You can buy fish for your family in summer. You might as well try these 6 kinds of fish. They are more expensive, but they are also delicious worth it.