Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious! "The smoke of firework in the world is the most soothing to ordinary people's hearts." Firewood, rice, oil an

2024/05/1617:12:33 food 1178

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

"The smoke of firework in the world is the most soothing to ordinary people's hearts." Firewood, rice, oil and salt are the most ordinary, simple but can warm the tired body. Three meals a day and four seasons, food carrying the smoke of firework is the most soothing! No matter how tiring life is or how busy work is, don’t forget to stop and enjoy the moment of being healed by food~ Many times, while enjoying food, we also savor life carefully...

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

It’s really hot these days, although it’s still It’s not deep in the sun, but the heat is already unbearable. The outdoor temperature has reached over 35 degrees for many days in a row. The sultry weather makes people breathless. When I go into the kitchen and come back out, I’m covered in sweat. I feel like I’m steaming. Had a sauna! This kind of weather makes people feel that the most beautiful thing is to stay in an air-conditioned room, blow on the air conditioner, eat watermelon, and drink cold drinks. I really don’t want to cook, but I can’t skip meals or order takeout every day, right? Of course we have to cook. The weather is hot in summer. We can cook some simple and quick meals to minimize the time we spend in the kitchen. This way we can not only suffer less from the heat in the kitchen, but also let our family eat delicious food. of gourmet food.

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

What is a simple and delicious thing to eat in summer? The first thing that comes to my mind is noodles. I think noodles are the best match for summer. Noodles are easy to make and take a short time. There is no need to cook. A bowl full of noodles is comfortable and satisfying! When eating noodles in summer, don’t eat soup noodles . The soup noodles are too hot and are more suitable for eating in cold weather. Every time you finish eating, you will be covered in sweat. It is too hot to eat in summer. This bowl of noodles is my favorite when eating noodles in the summer. It’s refreshing and satiating. It’s super easy to make and you don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious! Let’s take a look at the specific methods:

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

1. First, prepare the noodles. You can use ready-made noodles at home, hand-rolled noodles, or dried noodles. My family prefers hand-rolled noodles, and they will make them every three days. I eat it, so I always have it stocked in the refrigerator. Sometimes I buy it ready-made from a pasta shop, and sometimes I make more on weekends and store it in the refrigerator for later eating.

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

2. Then let’s make a bowl of juice: chop a few cloves of garlic and put it into a bowl, then add a spoonful of white sesame seeds, an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, pepper and chili powder, then heat the pot and add a spoonful of hot oil. Heat the oil until it smokes, then pour it on the garlic and chili peppers to bring out their fragrance. Stir evenly and then add a little rice vinegar and a spoonful of fresh flavor. Stir evenly again and set aside. The ingredients of the sauce can be increased or decreased according to your own taste. If you don't like spicy food, you don't need to add chili powder. If you don't control the sweetness and sourness well, you can taste it while adjusting.

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

3. Then let's boil the water to cook the noodles. Add enough water to the pot. Don't add the noodles after the water boils. Use a spoon to scoop out 1~2 spoons and pour it into the bowl of sauce you prepared before. Then add a little more water to the water. spoon of table salt to make the cooked noodles tasty and non-sticky. Then shake the noodles loose and put them into the pot. Then use chopsticks to stir a few times against the bottom of the pot to prevent the noodles from sticking to the pot.

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

When cooking noodles, add half a bowl of water every time the water boils. This will allow the noodles to be heated evenly inside and out, and the cooked noodles will be chewy and not sticky. Generally, the noodles will be cooked in about 5 minutes. I like it. If you want softer noodles, cook them longer. If you like stronger noodles, you can shorten the cooking time appropriately. If you really can’t control the time, you can take out one of the noodles and taste it when it’s almost cooked to see if it’s yours. Like the taste.

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

4. Pour the cooked noodles into cold boiled water or purified water, then put them into the bowl of juice prepared before. Sprinkle in an appropriate amount of chopped green onion and coriander, stir evenly and then you can eat. It is cool and appetizing. Very delicious!

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

The noodles will be smoother and more delicious after being soaked in cold water. When it is hot, you can also put the pure water in the refrigerator for a period of time before taking it out. This way the noodles will be cooler. It is really more enjoyable than eating cold noodles! This bowl of noodles is my favorite in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so easy to make and you don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

Introduction: I love this bowl of noodles in summer. It’s refreshing and satisfying. It’s so simple to make. I don’t even need to change the cold skin. It’s so delicious!

I am Xiaofeng, an uncle born in the 1970s who walks in the sunshine looking for delicious food. If you like Xiaofeng’s sharing, please help Xiaofeng by forwarding + liking + collecting to support Xiaofeng. See you in the next issue! Thanks for the support! Thank you for meeting me!

This article was originally created by Fengzi, a foodie. Welcome to follow and communicate with you so that everyone can benefit. If you are a threesome, you must have a teacher~

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